10: Problems (kind of) solved

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Chapter 10: Problem (kind of) Solved

September 5, 2015

Dear Outcast,

Today was fairly simple. I was mostly avoided by everyone. They all feared that I was going to freak out and throw a punch at them; it was quite funny. There was a slight downside to seeing the people that have been terrorizing me since I can remember fear me for the first time though.

You see, as I was walking down the hallway everyone's eyes were on me. Everyone was staring at me, and not all of them had fear in their eyes. They watched me shamelessly, I would look at them and they wouldn't move there gaze, just left it there. Even when I made eye contact with someone individually they wouldn't look away, but only keep their I contact till I was forced to look ahead in order to walk through the hall without crashing.

I don't like being the center of attention. I might sound like I'm over exaggerating, and maybe I am, but that's how I am. I hate people looking and talking about me so intensively. It makes me feel self conscious. Like I'm doing something wrong and everyone's going to point it out at some point.

One person that I remember looking at me with so much venom it actually stunk was Mac. She looked as if she was about to walk up to me and place another slap right on my cheek, but thankfully she didn't. I wonder what stopped her? Unfortunately something equally painful happened. You know how I just said that I didn't want to run into anyone so I looked away to see where I was going? Well, I seem to have been staring at the glaring she-devil for too long, and next thing I know I'm on the floor. And let me tell you, it wasn't a gentle fall; in fact, I fell with 10 times the force. Talk about a hard fall. Being the stupid me, I had thought that I ran into a wall, but no with my look I ran into a person. Now that I think about it, it actually was my luck because then I wouldn't have met the oh so friendly, William.

I was actually lucky that I didn't run into someone that hated me, I would have found myself in a terrifying situation. When William and I introduced ourselves, he was the one that brought me to the realization of why everyone was staring at me; him being straightforward and informative about the situation was another reason that I was thankful for William. He's the reason I wasn't in the dark for the rest of the day.

Besides making a new friend (that makes three), I fixed everything with Brooklyn and Lucas. Well, we only fix things after they shot a shitload of questions at me during lunch. I explain to them what they wanted to know and they ended up telling me that they would try to defend me as best as they could. Lucas also warned me not to ever just drop them like that again. He was acting strange today, more fatherly than friendly. I wonder what got him like that.

Anyways, detention was quite eventful too. More events took place than I had expected in 45 short minutes. The reason for this is because of my little talk with Jasmine. I know what you're thinking, her again. Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking as well. At first I thought that she might back off after this, I mean come on, you have a week of after school detention. But no, she had to approach me right when she say me walk in.

I wasn't really expecting more than what I got. I wasn't expecting her to come up to me and apologize, or beat the shit out of me again. Nope, what I got was exactly what I was expecting. When she reached me, she threatened me; sounds just like her if you know her. She told me that if I ever pulled a stunt like that again, I would pay. I'm obviously in no position to do that again, but I decided to push my luck and act like a badass. I am NOT a badass though, therefore what I did was probably the most stupidest thing in the world. I told her off, and now I'm dead for sure. I still have Brooklyn and Lucas right? They'll help me out.

And lastly, the event that close to the day. I almost died. Yep, I almost got hit by the biggest truck I've ever seen. I might be overreacting again, but I don't care, that truck almost hit me and I could have died. The only good thing that came out of this was the person inside of the truck, Lucas. He helped me and I was grateful he didn't hit me.

He kindly offered me a ride to my house, and I (by forest) accepted. After awkwardly giving him directions to my place, we arrived in under an hour. He walked me to my door and repeatedly apologize for almost hitting me with his truck. I repeatedly forgave him and told him not to worry about it. When we made it to the front door, I grab the handle to go inside. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, Lucas wrapped me in a hug and apologize once more. I was shocked by the randomness of the embrace and I didn't respond. He released me and I whispers a quite goodbyes before walking into my house.

I noticed when I walked in my home that my heart was rapidly beating and my palms were sweaty. And that was the end of my simple, yet complicated day.

Yours truly,


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