- Booty -

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Yo you know what is a total turn off? Girls obsession with being skinny i mean why the fuck would you wanna look like a toothpick? I personally like a girl with curves yanno like a nice size booty and nice hips cus like i don't like touching bones and shit. I know there are people who are naturally skinny and i'm totally ok with them but seriously if you wanna be a skinny ass just so you can be liked or popular or any of that....nah. I'd hate to take a girl out to dinner or something and have her order some leafs like damm girl get some fucking chicken nuggets the fuck.
I'd choose curves over skinny without second thoughts ( or thots yanno )
Just be yourself man that's totally fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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