Introduction of Gerard

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Have you ever met someone who you thought might be your soulmate? Have you ever felt like it was wrong to love them?
I once met a boy who inspired me to ask myself those questions...
I should probably tell you about that later.

My name is Gerard, Gerard Way.
I live in new jersey, in the small town of Salem.
I was born and raised here... Well me and my brother Mikey.
Mikey's never had the same problems as me in this shit hole of a town.
To be honest not even my parents have figured out what a giant middle finger this town has stuck up my ass.
To give you an inside look into what my life is like being the punching bag of Salem Middle School, I'll start at the day that I was chosen to be the victim of the douchebags that controlled the losers and rejects of the sad little building one shouldn't even be able to call a school.

I was sitting at my normal spot, near the boys bathroom... And the trash cans... Granted I wasn't the coolest kid at that school, I wasn't exactly the lamest, no that place was reserved for someone far less lucky than I.
Ray Toro.
I remember the first time we talked, he was going to ask the head cheerleader Hadley out on a date but she rejected him in front of the whole grade. I felt bad for him, why wouldn't I.
I approached him after his heart had just been torn out and told him that she wasn't worth it.
I told him "kids can be so cruel".
He smiled and that was the last time I saw him.
After that I found out he was home-schooled.
But then of course I experienced the very first... Incident at that hell hole.
Seens as nobody would talk to me out of fear that I might cut them or something I was used to being alone.
Solitude was a comforting thing for me, something I appreciated really, compared to the long list of things I hate.
I'd often be the only kid in my tenth grade classes who actually did work and learned, you'd think that would make me a target but you'd be wrong.
No it wasn't the fact that I couldn't do maths, it wasn't the fact that I was like the only kid in this generation to like comic books... Sorry I LOVE comic books.
It wasn't even the fact that I loved show tunes and dreamed of being on Broadway.
No the one thing that kids really hated me for was my style, my hair, the music I listened to, the fact that I hated sports and playing in the sun well apart from my favourite sport kickball.
They'd often come up with new nicknames.
The one they most often used was "Gerard Gay" yeah ha ha, I laughed at that one a lot, they referred to the skinny jeans I wore on a daily basis and accused me of being a 'fag'.
I didn't care what they thought, not really...
But there is a limit for me when it comes to physical torture.

You see this day was different, it seemed like I was extra hated today.
I walked to my locker to find a giant piece of paper stating I was an "emo fag".
I tore it off my locker and scrunched it up, throwing it behind my shoulder.
The jocks approached me, pushing my head into my locker.
I felt the metal container collide with my forehead and heard them laughing behind me.
I groaned and rubbed my forehead.

I gasped suddenly when I felt hands around my neck.
My long black hair fell into my face as I was dragged through the nearest exit.
I struggled to breathe and coughed, choking for air.
The air I desperately needed in my lungs was being taken away from me by the asshole choking me and dragging me outside.
I dug the heels of my convers into the dirt and clawed away at the face behind me.
When I finally felt the flaky skin on his face I felt a hand grab my feet, I tried to kick the person grabbing my feet and realized I was hovering over a cement surface.
The guy who was choking me abruptly decided to let go of my head forcing it to smack down onto the concrete below me.
I rubbed my head and blinked slowly, trying to recover from the painful migraine that I was now developing.
I felt the guy who grabbed my feet, taking off my shoes.
I protested while kicking him away.
He got away with them.
My expensive convers.
I got those for my birthday, they were actually signed by my favourite designer.
I hated those dicks so much for just taking my shit and leaving me there like that.
I was ashamed and betrayed, I didn't know how brutal they could be.

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