Ch.4 Spending Time With You

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Lauren's P.O.V
After the class was done, finally lunch time! I was still arranging my stuff then i walk out of the door, when i came out, brad surprises me! He was there already, he was with his friends Connor,James and Tristan.

Brad: hey Lauren!

Lauren: hey Brad! You surprised me!

(He laughed)

Tristan: i cant go with you guys

James: me either

Brad: oh okay!

James and Tristan: bye guys!

Connor: bye!

Lauren: bye!

Brad: bye

We walk to the cafeteria and order our meals! I sat beside lauren and connor is in front of me.

Lauren: Brad why do you like starbucks so much?

Connor: ehermmmm she knoowwss!!

Brad: how do you know?

Lauren: cause everytimes i pass near starbucks..i always see u!

Connor: stalker!

Lauren: hahahaha am not!

Brad: you should have called me!

Lauren: too lazy hahaha

We ate our food but we kept on talking,Laughing,talking,laughing

Better Together (Brauren)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora