A Fight for Chase (13)

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Cristine POV

I watched as Alexa  fell to the ground in pain and agony because she was shot in the arm. Once I saw the blood come out of her arm, I felt the blackness engulf me under.....

"Cristine!" yelled Chase.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In The Hospital~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"What happened?" I asked as I woke up in a chair.

"You mean you don't remember?"

"I mean I know that She got shot in the arm, but what happened to me?"

"Oh yeah you fainted and I carried you all the way here." said chase.

"Oh." I said and remembered Alexa.

"Where is Alexa? Is she okay? Did she die? Is the bullet in her arm? What happened? It's all my fault! If only I didn't hit her in the back! If i didn't fight back she wouldn't have been shot! Oh My God!"

"WHOA WHOA WHOA!! WHOA! Relax! You did not shoot her there fore it's not your fault. If anyone it's her own fault for picking a fight with you." he said.

"Hey!" yelled Derek. "It wasn't her fault that your a slutty whore! And that she hates the fact that YOU are her best friend and you didn't even care she almost had her tongue cut off!!"

"What?! I did care! How could I know at first if I was slapped in the face and kicked out the house before that even happened? The only reason I knew was because Chase told me! You didn't bother picking up the phone to let me know did you? No! Thats because you could care less about me!" I yelled raising my hands in the air.

"Hey!" we turned to see  a nurse giving us the evil eye.

"Shut Up! If you got a problem take it outside! People here are asleep!" she yelled.

"Alright fine!" we yelled and walked outside of the waiting room and out in front of the hospital.


"No best friend would make their best friends life a living HELL. I am DONE with her. GOODBYE Derek. Tell her I'll miss her." I turned and walked away. Tears fell down my cheek.

They kept falling and falling because this time I was really done with her. I always forgave her because she's by best friend you know? But this time I was done.

I don't care anymore. I know she'll live because she's a strong and independent person, but she won't see me around anymore. I bet she's gonna be happy because the slut is gone right? 

"Cristine." he touched my shoulder and I turned around.

"What Chase?" I said wiping the tears away but made no difference because every time more tears replaced them.

"It's okay." he said and I fell into his arms and cried.

"It's not okay Chase." I said in between sobs.

"So then It's not okay." he said and I laughed.

"I don't want you to tell me that." I said.

"But you wanted me to tell you the truth right?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't help the fact that I'll probably never talk to her again."

"Who said you'll never talk to her again?"

"She HATES me Chase." I said.

"You don't know that."

"She brought up my mom Chase. She knows I don't like to talk about her."

"She did that to hurt you in the heat of the moment." we sat down on the steps of his house.

"Even in the heat of the moment she wouldn't do that. She's never done that. She wouldn't bring her up. She's never brought her up. She promised not to. Its the worst thing thats ever happened to me and A LOT of stuff has happened to me." I said.

"I don't think its really happened to you. Alexa has had a lot of stuff happened to her too. She had her tongue almost cut off, her arm shot, her having you as a best fiend.

"Thanks that makes me feel better." I said sarcastically. He laughed.

"No! I meant your relationship with her as a best friend has always been bittersweet."

"No. We used to like peanut butter and jelly. Now we are like fish and milk."

"Fish and milk?" he said laughing.

"It's all I could think of in the spur of the moment." I said laughing too.

"Umm my dad stopped paying for the house and I need a place to stay."

"But like two days ago you said he pays for everything."

"Yeah, turns out he hasn't been paying for two months and I have a week to leave."

"Wow thats hardcore. You can stay with me is you want."

"Really? Are you for real?"

"Yeah of course! We have like two guest rooms so I'm pretty sure my sis and parents won't mind. They like let anyone live in those rooms until they can get a place."

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" I said hugging him and kind of jumping up and down as I was sitting.

"Alright Alright! So do you have your stuff all packed up?"

"Yes and you are the awesomest dude ever!!!"

"Well thank you very much. So where does this put our relationship to be sure?"

"You are my best friend and boyfriend. I  mean is that okay with you?"

"That is perfect for me." and right then and there planted a kiss on my lips. I gotta admit, I never thought I actually would get Chase, but I did...

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