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I woke up this morning super excited for summer because that meant no school for two whole months! I get out of bed, brush my hair and teeth, then put on some black leggings, an oversized Pierce the Veil sweater, a beanie, and some red vans. I walk downstairs to see my parents talking to each other about something which looks important because they stopped as soon as they saw me.
"Hey Claire," my dad greeted me.
"Um, hello," I said.
"Do you want breakfast?" My mom asked me. This didn't feel normal. I usually make my own breakfast. What is going on? I'm going to get to the bottom of it, whatever IT is.
"Don't I normally make my breakfast? What's going on? Am I getting shipped away to some other country or something?" I asked. They both started to laugh.
"Ship you away?" My dad said laughing. I nodded.
"We aren't shipping you away. You are going to summer camp for two months," my mom said.
'SUMMER CAMP?! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SUMMER CAMP!" I got so mad at them, I stormed back up the stairs and slammed the door. I'm not going to some camp with a bunch of other random people who most likely have shit music taste. I wish someone would come and take me away and we could ditch that shitty summer camp and go to warped. Oh right, I'm going to miss warped. Great. I grabbed my phone and plugged in my headphones. I touched the music app and started to listen to Besitos by Pierce the Veil. I have been saving up to go to warped all year and now I can't go. I was so looking forward to seeing my favorite band. Pierce the Veil, obviously.
"CLAIRE!" my mom shouts.
"What do you want?" I shouted back, still pissed off at her. I hear come up the stairs.
"We are leaving in 20 minutes to drop you off," she says. I look at her and give her the "why are you doing this to me" look.
"Come on, your father is waiting in the car for us. Pack fast," she says as she leaves my room. I sit here in silence for a while longer, until I finally decide that either way I'm going so I guess I'll just pack. I grab all of my band merch and pack a couple other things, then walk downstairs and go outside to the car. I put my suitcase in the back and get in. I grab my phone out of my pocket and put my earbuds in. I start listening to Go Go Go by Sleeping with Sirens. Before I know it, we arrived at the camp. Yay. Do my parents hate me or something? Wanting to ship me off for 2 months. Wow. This very cheery looking woman walks up to us.
"Hello! I'm Kelly, your camp counselor!" She says with the biggest smile. Great. I'm just praying there is cute boys here that like the same kind of music as me.

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