Scrapped Knees || A Noa Kaiba FanFic

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Whimpering and stinging , Noa stood outside the office door. His knees were bloody from a fall onto the concrete, which had peeled the skin off in jagged strokes. His large, childish eyes were brimming with tears, making them glisten like pennies caught under a clear puddle. He snuffled at the hard caustic sensation warming his knees. He had also cut his left palm open in a long red line. With natural instinct, Noa had flung his hands out to cushion himself and to prevent his head colliding with the concrete which ripped his knees like two enraged, loose guard dogs. He was holding back tears, telling himself not to cry. He was 12, not 5.
The door looked daunting and full of authority, ready to tell him to go away and deal with his bleeding knees. The door was like Noa's cold adopted brother, Seto. Noa could almost feel Seto's electrical blue eyes glaring at him with cold hatred. Noa was considering just walking off and dealing with his wounds himself. But without plasters or something of the sort, he would keep on stinging, hurting and bleeding.
Plucking up courage, Noa crumpled his uninjured hand into a fist and knocked on the door. It echoed the sound he had created all around the red carpeted hallways. Noa shivered slightly. The house, although luxurious, creeped him out a little. Just the way it copied every footstep you placed.
An agitated sigh came from the office and Noa heard Seto approaching the door. Suddenly his tears were feisty and started to leak from his blue eyes. The pain seemed to throb even more now.
Seto took one glance at his crying, mint haired, bloody kneed brother. He was an absolute sight. He sighed. Noa was a such a brat that he didn't even know how to deal with some scabs. Rolling his blue eyes, Seto looked his gaze on Noa's tearful, cherub eyes.
"What's wrong?" The words rolled out emotionlessly. Noa was still crying, tears glazing his cheeks.
"I-I tripped up and scrapped my knees and my left hand. C-can you get a bandage or something?" Noa said quietly, his usual self proud tone had gone and was replaced by a pitiful whine, like a kicked dog.
Seto rolled his eyes once again.
"Fine. Come in and sit down. I would of thought a 12 year old was capable of patching up wounds but I must of been mistaken." Seto hissed, his voice laden with sarcasm.
Noa sat shaking upon Seto's large, leather chair. Noa watched Seto leave the room to go find bandages and cotton wool. He shivered and looked once again at his bloody knees. Looking at them made him feel even more sad and concerned for himself. The blood was oozing out like undiluted juice. He felt a little nauseous, looking at the red blood squeezing out of the messy, uneven skin.
Seto returned with the implements of healing and soothing. Kneeling down in from of Noa as if he wanted to propose, Seto picked up a plump ball of cotton and placed it on Noa's open wound on his left knee. Noa let out a low hissing sound as he felt the stinging sensation nibbling at him.
"Stop making that noise." Seto ordered. Noa dipped a few more tears.
"Well it hurts!" Noa retorted.
"It will stop hurting. Don't be such a child." Seto retaliated.
Ordinarily, Noa would have been angry at Seto for this and would of argued back with great gusto. But with bloody knees, hurt emotions and the painful stinging, he wasn't in the mood.
Seto tentatively started wrapping the bandage around Noa's kneecap. He pulled it tight so that it would not slip. He grabbed a safety pin and, carefully as to not pierce Noa's skin, fastened the bandage in place.
Noa was feeling better. His left knee felt warm with the throb of pain, but it wasn't unbearable stinging now. He looked down at Seto. He didn't feel amazingly better but at least it was one less stinging pain to be sad about.
Seto could smell blood profoundly. He already disliked Noa very much, but having to touch him and fix up his bleeding knees made his hatred for the spoilt boy grow. Seto didn't like the metallic twang being in his nose. He could almost taste Noa's cherry red blood and that was too much for him. Brushing away the nauseating thought of actually consuming Noa's blood, he started on Noa's right knee.
Biting his lower lip to stop himself from hissing at the stinging, Noa felt fresh tears threaten to spill. He thought of Seto's comment. Don't be such a child. The word 'child' was bouncing across his mind, being said over and over in Seto's harsh tone. Noa felt Seto's long, spider leg like fingers wrapped the bandage under his kneecap, making it tight but not too constricting.
Seto just stared at Noa after pinning the end of the bandage. Noa was guessing that Seto wanted him to go but the trickle of blood running down his wrist reminded him that his still had a gash on his palm. He shuffled at the sight of the red liquid on his pale skin. It was making him feel unwell and made the stinging on his wrist more intense.
"What about my hand?" Asked Noa. Seto looked at his younger brother with eyes of malice. He let out an irritated sigh and pulled out a plaster.
Noa held out his hand while Seto gently placed the plaster onto the wounds, lining up the cotton padding with the actual split. Noa felt more comfortable once his injury was covered.
Grinning childishly and standing up, Noa dismissed himself and headed to the large door, tall like Seto himself. Before his hand, the uninjured one, could wrap itself around the brass handle, Seto spoke.
"Don't let Mokuba see you like that. You know how.. fond he is of you and he will be distressed by seeing you in such a state."
Seto's cold voice rung out in his roomy office, bouncing off the large windows and spiralling all around Noa. Nodding and making a little 'hmph' of forced agreement, Noa turned and let himself out. He wasn't going to say thank you as Seto wouldn't care about it. After all, it's not like he, Gozaburo's real son, could be left bleeding. He was simply too precious to be left to bleed and be in pain.
Noa looked at his knees while sitting on his velvet covered bed. The soft plumpness of the bed cover, like a fat Netherlands dwarf doe, felt comforting under his injured palm. The bandaged knees made him feel roguish and wild, not a noble boy of his sort. Looking instead at his window to save himself grief, he jumped off the bed and straightened up.
"Seto's correct in saying that I look a state."
Smiling with the short lived joy that only a young child exhibits, Noa rushed off to find his rough haired younger adopted brother to show off his battle wounds.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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Scrapped Knees || A Noah Kaiba Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें