Wow go life

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When look out of my window all I see is clouds, but that might have something to do with the fact that I'm on a freaking aeroplane!
I don't want to be on this plane what so ever.
Like who wouldn't want to be by the sea in California soaking up the sun?
But no.
Here I am sitting on a plane to the shitty place called mystic falls to live with my grandmother.
Kill me now.

And if you think I'm holding a grudge against my parents for forcing me to move here. Well your right. At this moment of time.
I. Hate. Them.
Worst part is I don't even know why I have to move there, all I know is my parents said its not safe for me to live there with what's happened to me and I need to be some place smaller so I don't hurt anyone or myself and I'm going to my grandmothers because she can help me with this new power inside of me...
Wow go life.

The more I look out my window the more tired I get, so I casually fall into a deep slumber for the rest of the remaining flight.


I'm awoken by a little boy who was sat next to me shaking my shoulder slightly trying to wake me up.
"I'm very sowy to wake you lady, but we're here" he smile down at me with the gap where there is missing tooth.
"Thank you cutie, don't want the plane taking me back to California do we!" I smile at him. He giggles "no that would be bad!"
I just smile at him and soon were off the plane.


I go through the rest of the security. 'Honestly look at the size of the place, why would they need security' I thought to myself.
I grab my luggage and exit the airport.

Outside I see my grandmother smiling at me and waving like a maniac.
As much as I didn't want to come here I really do love my grandmother.

I chuckle as I walk up to her and give her a hug.
"Hey Grammy, it's so great to see you again" I breath in her scent. God I've missed it.
"Hello sunshine, you have no idea how much I've missed my little rain drop" I think I hear her sniffling, god she's crying.
"Hey don't you cry on me now! It's only been a few years" I look at her as I pull back.
"A few years!?! Try 8 years! You were 9 the last time I seen you!" She smacked my arm.
I just laugh at her and hug her once again.

We put my luggage in the back of her car and started heading to her house.


As were driving by I take everything in, the smell, the people, the shops, the the cafe, the bar, everything, right down the a massive house on the left hand side of us as were driving by the get to Grammys.
"Who lives there?" I curiously asked.
"That would be the Salvatore's" my Grammy looks at the house with a blank face. I stare at the house in awe, it was beautiful. "Who are the Salvatore?". My grandmother looks straight a head again. "They are not people you want to associate with, stay away from them" she says with a serious tone.

It does sound like I should say but it just drags me in even more, especially since they only live a 5 minute walk from my new home to be.

We park the car and I get my stuff before I walk up to my new house for a while. I stop and take in everything around it.
From the plants to the porch, to the black and white paint and to the chimney already blowing out smoke.

Well this is my new home for a while
I take a deep breath 'it won't to bad'
I think to myself.
'Well I hope'

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Introduction type thing done, please don't give up now, I have so many ideas that I want use to know.
I know it's a slow start, but it will get better ( I'm hoping )
So yeah, new reading, please.

And up above is who I imagine playing Azalea.

From sunshine to RaineWhere stories live. Discover now