Chapter 37

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He slipped his coat around himself. He fixed his collar and looked at himself in the mirror. He had an all black dress shirt on and a white bowtie. He turned his head left to right, checking to see if there were any imperfections. His hair was to his satisfaction. Jiwon smiled in the mirror and pointed at himself. He thought of calling himself hot and sexy, but stopped when he realized it wasn't going to sound good.

The doorbell rang and Jiwon walked down the stairs. His mother came out and gave him a quick hug. "Have fun," she said.

Jiwon nodded. He walked towards the door and opened it. He came face to face with someone he's never met before. He wore a pink dress shirt. His hair was put up and he held his coat in his right hand. He looked up at Jiwon. "That's all you're going to wear?"

Jiwon didn't know this stranger, but the Jiwon in his dream acted as if he did. "And I thought you don't wear pink."

'Pink Dress Shirt' looked down at his shirt. He looked up and shrugged at Jiwon. "I look good in it anyways." Pink Dress Shirt began to turn around. He waved Jiwon over and Jiwon closed the door behind him.

"Where's the car?" Jiwon asks.

"It's over there," Pink Dress Shirt pointed. The car was still on, sitting at a curb.

Pink Dress Shirt rushed towards the passenger side and Jiwon walked up to the backseats. He opened the door, finding two other guys in the backseat. In the driver's seat was someone small. As he climbed in, one of the guys gasped.

"Jiwon!" he yelled. "Don't step on my shoes! You're getting them dirty!"

Jiwon stared at him. 'Sassy' bent down, dusting Jiwon's shoe print from his shoes. His shoes were black. He didn't need to dust anything off if no one could see it.

'Kid' looked through the rearview mirror. He couldn't see Jiwon, but he could see the other two. He took a deep breath. "You didn't call them?"

"No, I called them." A guy with a beanie on leaned forward. 'Beanie' pulled out his phone and began to read off a text message, "We're going to wait for you guys at Jiwon's house. Be there before Jiwon gets into the car."

"Well, Jiwon's already in the car," Sassy shrugged. "Let's just go."

For the first time in his dream, Jiwon was Jiwon. He blinked. "Where are we going?" he asked.

"You already forgot?" Beanie says. He looked at me in disbelief. "You were the one that arranged this."

I did?

Kid began to drive. They were on the road and it seemed as if they were driving towards the middle of nowhere. Kid glanced over towards Pink Dress Shirt. He immediately frowned. "What the hell are you wearing?" he slapped his arm.

Pink Dress Shirt held his hands up, protecting himself. "I didn't have any nice black shirts, okay?"

"I have an extra one," Beanie said. "I'll give it to you when we reach there."

Reach where? Jiwon couldn't understand a single thing.

Music played inside of the car.

I need to leave you. I'm silently crying. I'm erasing my heart on a night filled with memories. I have to say goodbye, words I don't want to say.

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