Chapter 21

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The morning was dreadful the next day. Usually, I would wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the ray's of sun shining into my bedroom. But no. Loud whooping and shouting woke me from an incredible dream. Aiden and I were on a lake, rowing this small boat. I remember loving the smell of him and the water. Leaning in, he was about to kiss me. But then... "Chug chug chug!" I groaned and flipped the covers off of me. Standing up from bed, I flung open my bedroom door, and stomped down the stairs. Thomas and a few other people had red solo cups arranged in a triangle at either side of our kitchen table. There were ping pong balls scattered around the floor and Thomas bounced one off of the table and into one of the cups. Grabbing the cup the ball had landed in, he chugged the drink and everyone hollered his name. Glancing over at the clock, I saw it was only 7:42 a.m
"What the hell is going on?!" I gritted out between my teeth.
Thomas's head shot over to where I was standing and his eyes bulged. Everyone stopped shouting and looked at me. I probably looked like an orangutan with my wild bed head and wrinkled pjs. I new I had bags under my eyes and I didn't even want to know what my breath smelt like.
"Bella~" he sang out, opening his arms wide as if he wanted a hug. The people chuckled and I glared at them. "You're home." Thomas sounded surprised.
"Um. Yeah, where the hell have you been? You were gone all night and I have to wake up to this?!" I motioned around the room, flailing my arms around wildly. He sighed and set the cup down on the table.
"Go back to bed Bella. You're ruining the mood." Frowning, I huffed and ran back upstairs.

Ruining the mood? I was the one who got woken up by a bunch of cave men and I'm the one ruining the mood? I grunted and walked into my closet, pulling out a pair of shorts and a tank top. Slipping them on quickly, I flipped my head over and pulled my hair into a tight pony tail. Before brushing my teeth and applying some light eyeliner and mascara, I laced up my al-stars then walked back out my bedroom door. Making sure to make my presence heard, I stomped down the stairs and jingled my car keys. When Thomas or anyone else didn't say a word, I slammed the front door. Today was going to be peachy.


Setting the gasp pump back in its spot, I went into the gas station to pay.
"$20 for gas." I said to the cashier, slipping the twenty dollar bill across the counter. The girl was one of those old people who tried to act young. Her bleach blonde hair was pulled up into a tight bun at the top of her head, more than a few gray streaks coming through, and more things sagged on her than on anything I have ever seen. Her eyebrows were drawn in with blue pencil and her eyeshadow went above them. I snapped out of my haze when she popped her gum loudly. Mumbling a "sorry" I put my head down and went to the back of the store. Coffee. I need coffee. Searching each glass door, I finally found a Vanilla Frappé chino and grabbed it, making the others behind it clink together loudly. Shutting the door, I dragged my eyes across the snack shelfs, looking for a quick breakfast. I felt like someone was watching me and I looked up and around. Nobody was there. Turning towards the cashier, she had both her elbows resting on the counter and was staring at me so intently I swear I could feel her in my soul.
"Can I help you?" I asked sort of snottily. She popped her gum one more time before just shrugging and turning away.

Weirdo. I thought to myself, and grabbed a bag of donuts. Wanting to get out of here quickly, I sped walked to the front as paid for my stuff, practically running to my car. Once I unlocked the doors and got in, I released a breath and chuckled.
She's just some creepy old lady. I told myself. Opening my eyes, I screamed and jumped. She was standing in front of my car. Quickly, I looked over to my door and locked it, making me feel slightly better. Slowly, she began to walk to my side of the car. Please don't kill me please don't kill me. I practically chanted in my head.
She stood there with her hands behind her back, staring at me.
Oh god, that's probably a gun!
I slipped my key into the ignition fumbling at first. When it was in, I twisted it quick. A knock on the window made my heart jump out of my chest. There was the old lady, donuts? She tapped on the window again and popped her gum. I rolled the window down and she held out the donuts towards me.
"You forgot these." She said nonchalantly. Hesitantly, I grabbed the bag and tossed it into the passengers side seat, never taking my eyes off of her.
She didn't seem to notice, or care about my strange behavior, instead, she just turned and walked back into the store. Gosh. That was a close one.

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