(Almost) kissing

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After hanging out at Kid's place for a bit longer, you headed back to Soul and Maka's house.
You laid down on the couch, thinking to yourself about how you should've found an apartment today.
You sighed and turned onto your back.
The moonlight shone through the blinds, and cast shadows in horizontal strips.
You turned back again and tried to sleep.
You couldn't, so you sighed and tried to count sheep.
"Can't sleep?" Asked a male voice.
You turned, and saw that the kitchen light was on.
Soul was looking at you with a glass of water in his hand.
"How did you know?" you asked him.
"Cool guys like me know how to tell if someone is sleeping or not."
"And how did you develop this skill?" you asked.
Soul's face turned just the tiniest bit pink.
"I have my ways." Was all he said.
"So anywho, I can't sleep. What's it to you?" You asked.
"I know a great thing to help you fall asleep."
"Oh? And what's that?"
"A game of Battleship."
"How will Battleship help me sleep?"
"Honestly, it won't. I just wanna show off my mad skills."
"Oh, so you think you can beat me?"
Soul smirked showing his shark teeth.
"Uh, yeah."
You then went in to a long game of Battleship with soul. It ended with you sinking his last ship.
"I told you!" you gloated.
Soul just looked taken aback and a little upset.
"No one's...ever beaten me at *sniff* Battleship." He whined.
"It's okay, just because you got your ass kicked by a girl, doesnt mean you're any less cool."
Soul didnt say anything. He just cleaned up the game and put it away.
After he was done, he sat down. He finally met your eyes.
"No one's ever beaten me at battleship before."
He seemed to have regained a bit of his composure. You decided not to tease him.
"Well, I was taught by my dad, who was in the military. Battleship was his favorite game." (Apologies if your dad isnt in the military. Pretend.)
"Makes sense."
Soul looked into your (e/c) eyes for a moment before he started closing his eyes and leaning forward. You did the same.
Then you heard footsteps, and a light flick on.
You froze, and you could tell Soul had too.
You opened your eyes. Your face was about an inch from His.
You looked towards the person.
It was Maka.
"Sorry to interrupt." She mumbled, stumbling back into the hall.
Soul, who had drawn back a moment ago, scratched his head.
"Sorry, (y/n)." He murmured, getting up and heading back to his room.
After wondering for a moment what you could've started, you fell asleep.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

You woke up the next morning. You looked at the clock mounted on the wall. 10:30. You were glad it was Saturday.
You had gotten enrolled on Friday, like the dork you are.
Nobody else seemed to be awake yet. Guess they slept late on the weekends.
You heard the phone ring, but you didn't know whether you should answer it or not.
After debating for another moment, you decided to pick it up and take a message.
"Hey, can I talk to Soul?" said the cheerful voice of Black Star.
"Soul's sleeping, but I can take a message."
"Okay, well I was wondering if you three wanted to play some basketball around noon."
"Umm, I'll ask them."
You put the phone down and knocked on Maka's door.
"Hmm? What do you want?" Asked Maka tiredly.
"Umm, Black Star wants to play basketball today at noon."
"Tell him we'll be there." Maka groaned.
"Okay." You grabbed the phone again and said "yeah, we'll be there."
"Okay, see ya then."
You hung up the phone.
You were hungry, but you didn't want to eat any of their food without asking first.
So you laid back on the couch until eventually Maka came out and offered you some cereal.
"Hey, Maka, Im sorry...about last night. I--"
Maka shushed you.
"Its okay, I'm sorry I ruined the moment."
She grinned at you, but it looked a little forced.
You ate breakfast, and Soul came into the kitchen.
He ate some food, then you all got dressed. Afterwards, since it was almost noon, you all headed to the basketball court.

Soul eater boys x reader // ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now