chapter 1

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Shaya's pov
I studied my face in the mirror with disgust, with a busted lip swollen and caked with blood, an eye that was completely shut and the side of my face completely decorated in the colours blue and black. I looked like I had just gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson, but I hadn't, I had tried to go a round with my husband Ted Murcarrey. The special guy who had stolen my heart at the age of 19, the guy who took me away from my hillbilly town and isolated me from the outside world, the guy who everyone loved Ted fucking Murcarrey.

Seeing past myself in the mirror I imagined what he was doing at this exact moment, normally after he beat me if he didn't rape me he would go be with his other women who he thought I knew nothing about but I knew, a little too much in fact. Lost in my thoughts I didn't hear the door open but I did see his hulking reflection in the mirror. Standing at 6, feet5 inches he towered over practically everyone and what time he didn't spend sleeping around, drinking or beating me he spent at the gym, gaining him an impressive physique.

I turned around and stared at his huge feet as he steadily walked towards me, for such a huge person you would think that when he moved you would hear it, but no he could creep up on you as sleek, graceful and quiet as a cat.

I watched with trepidation as his hand made it's way to my face. Holding back my shudder of disgust I let him touch the side of my face trying not to flinch back with fear. As his warm, calloused fingers carrassed my skin; I tried to imagine myself elsewhere, somewhere where this vile, sick creature of a man could never touch me again.

He raised my face up to look him in the eyes, my one hazel eye against his two black, soulless ones. "Why do you make me do this to you Shaya? Huh why?", his deep rumbling voice traveled through the bathroom making me look down again. "Don't do that you know I hate when you do that, I don't want you to ever be scared of me,". Too late for that ; I thought I've feared you since the day you first hit me. "Dammit Shaya say something! " his mint fresh breathe hit me in the face as his fist collided with the mirror right next to my head.

I heard the tiniest of sounds before the mirror shattered and jumped to the floor, sounding like the rain splattering against the ground. I didnot dare turn around, to turn my back on him would lead to an unwarranted attack, something I really did not need right now. " Shaya you know I love you right," I shook my head vigorously too scared to speak "and you know that if you ever left, I would come and find you right!", I quietly whispered a yes. Sighing he smashed his lips against mine with all the gentleness he could manage, almost automatically my busted lip tried to respond to the kiss.

Pulling back, he looked me over once more, rubbing the palms of his hands against his temple, he turned and walked towards the door. "Clean up this mess and meet me in the bedroom".

When his large frame finally existed I felt like the air was cleaner, like the room wasn't closing in around me as fast. I quickly cleaned up the glass trying to avoid my reflection in the fragments that surrounded me. "Shaya are you done?!" with those words resounding in the bathroom I quickly but carefully scooped up the last of his rage and threw it in the bin.

Rushing to the bedroom, I stopped at the threshold and waited for him to call me in. Looking around I no longer saw the pictures of our happiness hanging on the walls or the blue walls we took three days to paint. I saw the dent on the wardrobe that my head made when he slammed me into it; I saw the bed which I despised almost as much as him having to lie in it next to him, to be raped on it.

This room no longer represented our love nor had it in a long time, it only showed a room which I feared and hated with all my heart.

Comment what you think and don't forget to vote. 748 words pretty good for a first chapter well enjoy.

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