what is love?

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What is love?
People say I give good advice but whenever they ask me this I have no answer. So I will break it down this time so even you can understand. What is love? It's simple really when you look it up you can see deeply caring for somebody is love. But don't be mistaken love is not something to take lightly. . the phrase 'I love you' is taken too lightly! it can cause Misunderstanings. I am guilty of using this phrase quite a bit. my religion says to love every one but don't you think it's hard? Love is a strong feeling that can get confused with a heart attack or constipation because when you see the person you love with anyone other than you..you feel betrayed. You know it doesn't make since you don't even have to be together but you want to tell that person to get away because they belong to you... Some people say Love has no gender, after all love is not a person. I know in my definition of love is the word involuntary.. Even if you don't want to love you have no choice especially if that person treats you special like you're the only one but be careful people lie. There is a difference between "I love you" and "I'm in love with you" being in love has a more intense feeling. Everything becomes intensified. You can tell you bestfriends I love you and laugh but once you say 'I'm in love with you' to that person the world stops and everything slows down you don't feel happy confessing this because being in love is not always fun. When some one says I fell in love it's the same they are in love with everything about that person.... there is another word for this... Infatuation they have become infatuated with you just simply blinking will give their heart a clench. They want to be close and you want to be close To them every second you want to touch them and know their thoughts you want to feel their heart beat and when your away from them you can help feeling it become hard to breath. Science tells us it's a thirst your hungry for their everything, their body, their heart,their soul, their spirit. You want to monopolize them and control what they eat, drink,who they talk to, what they wear! everything! But most people won't do this.... they get into relationships and make compromises or they sit there and watch the one they love get taken away. You never think things through when your in love. you may hurt them but you ignore their pleas of stop! By then they are either scared or have given up and decided they want more themselves.... When too people are in love with each other they don't stop simply because others think it's wrong. They refuse to give in to pressure,you keep secrets, you meet up late and sneak around. But for those few bold people they'll step out in daylight and hold the persons hand they love and while people look at them with disgust they smile with not a trace of hatred in their eyes because it doesnt matter. They could care less if the world looks down upon them because the sun is still shining even though the storm is over their head. Love is said to be the craziness of the Gods. Aphrodite Greek goddess of love is sometimes depicted on the phycho side of the scale. But let's remember love is crazy. No matter how much you hurt them or they hurt you, you both stay around. There's a myth that I heard of that the gods created monsters they had two sets of everything they were like two humans mashed together and they were so strong the gods separated them and thats how we were created... We search the world looking for our other half. But put simply love is a feeling it's passion being stuffed into a tiny shell that will break down from intensity when you say your heart is broken it's because your brain is trying to slow down the blood flow to your heart because when your in love your blood speed quickens along with the beating of your heart. I have never said I am in love with anyone because the result frightens me far to much. Being in Love is when you know about their dark past. You know that they didn't have the best family. You know about that weird mole on their lower back. You seen them without makeup. you've seen them at thier worse and at their best. you've argued with them over what to eat and that suicide is not the answer. You've seen them with the cigarette in their mouth and made them Spit it out and promise to drop the habit. You see them drunk and are about to drive them home but they insist to spend the night at your place to avoid the trouble. You guys both wanted tattoos of each others name but you either decided it was to cliche or you got it anyway laughing about how it was a bad idea you both get piercings but realized it hurts to much and gave up or had a competition to see who's lasted longest. You can wake up and give them a kiss without brushing your teeth. You guys skip a bath because you guys want to meet each other so badly and just put on extra deodorant. You guys have burned at least one meal fooling around and ordered take out or pizza. Even if you dont like a food you still eat it because it's their favorite. You guys have watched a movie and were to busy staring into each others eyes to know that on the TV a sex scene is going on! You have forced the other to watch a show that they hate. You told your friends that your other half was sick so you guys could stay home. When they complained about why they were the sick one you explained you played the sick role last time. You guys have had pillow fights and have built a tent before. Whenever one of you brings up children the other one acts like something important just happened to change the subject. When they say I hate you you say I love you too. After an argument You'll say I hate you and they'll say they love you to. If they call them selves stupid you'll immediately say no they're not. But if you accidentally forget to but what they wanted from the store. they'll complain about how your the dumbest person they ever met and how could they fall in love with some one like you. And while you roll your eyes they'll say they still love you. Their are taboos they must never mention but every week they remind you about that one time you were drunk and they never let you live it down. You guys won't talk for a week but then they'll show up and invade your house but refuses to admit to each other that you are sorry and they will steal your food and hours later they'll mumble sorry and you just have to smile at how stubborn you both are. Love is like being trapped but your enjoying it. It sounds sadistic but love is not all rainbows and sunshine. Love is admitting both people aren't perfect but will help each other out. So to me love is acceptance that neither of you are perfect but you will work on each others faults.

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