Chapter 12

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"So you're sure this won't be painful?" I asked quietly.

The last few days have been a breeze. We found out that Tex is a ghost and that she's been watching us. We also found out that there's a way we can get O'Malley - or Omega - out.

"Yeah... Well, when we enter your head, you might feel something."

I sighed. Tex and Church were gonna get him out.

"Three... Two... One." Tex said and she jumped into my mind. Church followed.

I got that same feeling when Doc was here. The unnatural feeling that I thought was Omicron. I spaced out on purpose so it'd be easier to find O'Malley.


Tex came back first, taking Church's new body.

"Come on, that's mine!" He whined.

"Technically, you stole it. So it's not yours."

The two bickered. Adter a while, I spoke up.

"Where'd O'Malley go?"

Tucker had gone with Caboose to make the Teds turn off their radios so they wouldn't get him. That left one person.

"Oh God. Doc must have him." I sighed.

"At least you're normal now." Tucker shrugged.

Normal? This has been the first time in ages that I haven't had an AI.

I shrugged. "Nothing's normal anymore."

Out of nowhere, Caboose ran up behind me and picked me up.

"Oh, I am so happy! Sota is not a mean lady any more!"

I laughed a little. "I'll be mean when I need to be."

He set me down and I walked towards the base, feeling hungry. I grabbed some Oreos and a Mountain Dew and walked to my room to eat.


Sorry it's kinda short. Also, I've got a question for you: Would it be okay if I time skipped a few years to when Tucker has to go on that "trip"? I'd still tell of the Wyoming part. It'd be in the next book, or Sota'd remember it, but it wouldn't be detailed.

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