Chapter 1: The News

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Mia's POV

Well today of course was another long day of school. I enter my house and continue to walk in to see my mom and dad sitting on the couch.

"Hey honey." My mom said. She said it very strange though. Like there was something that she was holding back to say.

"Hey mom, is everything alright?" I say tossing my backpack onto the couch and sitting down.

She looks over at my dad and then he looks at her. I know something is up.

"What's wrong?" I ask, kind of scared to hear the answer

My mom tilts her head down then looks at me.

"Sweetie, there's something your father and I have to tell you."

My heart starts pounding and my throat becomes sore. God only knows what they need to tell me.

"Look, your father, he got laid off today at work. We couldn't find many jobs in this area so we had to look in different places..."

My father then interrupts her.

" I got offered a job in Atlanta, Georgia. It's a good paying job and we found reasonable priced houses in the area. So I took the job."

I start laughing and then stood back up.

"Nice try guys. Very funny." I say laughing as if this is a joke.

They both give me a confused look.

"We aren't really moving are we?" I say with the laughter slowing coming to an end.

"Mia, you know how the jobs at the mines are. They are always getting shut down, people are always getting laid off. And I just happened to be one of them."   My dad says. For once he's being serious.

"We wanted to wait until your sisters got home to tell the news but , I didn't think it could wait." My mom tells me.

Holy crap. I cannot believe this.

I go straight to my room. Without saying another word. Of course I'm excited to move, it's in a different area , new people. But I'll have to leave my friends.

And the thing about it, I'm not very good with making new friends.

I close my door behind me and throw myself on my bed. I just lay and look at the ceiling for a while.

I can't believe I have to leave this all behind.

I continue to lay in the same position for at least 15 minutes.

That's when I get a text. A text from my best friend, Grace.

"Hey." Is all the message says.

I don't respond. I can't. I'm too upset to even typeanything back.

Several minutes go by and I still don't respond. So I receive another text.

"Is something wrong?" Grace sends.

I really don't want to tell her the news over message. Or really at all. But I guess she has to know sometime.

"Come over asap." I finally send her.

Grace's POV:

After ignoring me forever, I finally get a message back from Mia.

"Come over asap." The message says.

That starts to make me wonder what could be wrong. Probably just another boy problem. I think to myself.

After 15 minutes I finally get to Mia's house. I've known Mia since the beginning of our time, so I don't even knock anymore.

I open the door and walk as fast as I can into Mia's room. Without even saying anything to her parents, which are really like my own.

I bust open Mia's door and see her laying on the bed, face down.

Mia's POV:

Grace slams open my door. I'm not sure how to break the news to her. So I just continue to lay on the bed.

"What is it?" Grace asks.

I'm still silent. Not saying a word yet.

Grace comes over and starts shaking me. "Miaaaa what is it?" She whines.

I finally decide to turn around and face her. "Grace, there's something I need to tell you." I say with my voice still cracking from crying.

Her eyes widen. This is not going to be easy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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