Chapter 3

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A/N: the picture put up is Eirlys

I sit at the table and look through the documents. I take the girls photo off the front and begin to read her profile.

Name: Eirlys Stella Rosieanna



D.O.B: 21st June, 1997

Sex: F


- Christopher John Rosieanna
- Born 15th January, 1967
- Deceased
- No trace of Supreme blood

- Michelle Jane J. Rosieanna
- Born 21st November, 1968
- Deceased
- Trade of Supreme and Watergem blood, descendant of Alfred James Wilson (first of Watergems)

- Alexander Lucas Rosieanna
- Born 28th May, 2001
- Deceased
- Trace of Supreme and Watergem blood

- Water
- Casting rain storms
- Extreme winds.

- Unable to control abilities at times
- May severely injure or kill humans in sight

I scan the rest of the page, not paying attention to anything in specific. As I go to put down the file, thinking I had no need to turn the page, a few more words catch my eye.

HISTORY of Subject

However unrelated this actually is to my search for her location, I flip the page anyway, because I'm a curious idiot who wastes time. Without an ounce of regret, I read on.

Eirlys Rosieanna's 7 year old brother murdered, Alexander Rosieanna 15th November 2008.


I wonder what happened to the kid. I feel guilty for some reason. Could he have been a Supreme, too? Did our men kill this young, innocent child? Even though I wasn't working here at the time, it's making me feel like it's my fault. I try to find more information on her brother but there is nothing. I sigh and put both hands over my face. I stand up as another idea hits me. Maybe her location is on Trent's computer.

I make my way out the front door and head for my car, but am interrupted mid step as a sudden, repetitive chiming erupts from my pocket. I fish out my phone and answer without even checking the number on the screen.

"Hello," I answer, since I don't know who is on the other line.

"Oh hello," replies the British like voice of a woman. "Is this the Brandon Reed, grandson of Mr. Richard Reed?"

"Uh, yes?" Who was this lady?

"I'm so sorry to bring the news, but your grandfather passed away yesterday while in the hospital. There was no pain as he was asleep in his death. I'm so, so sorry, sir."

"Grandpa Rick...?" I trail off in shock, my sentence leading into a question. I couldn't believe it. He was the only relative I had left, not counting my Aunty halfway across the world who I haven't even seen in, like, 4 years.

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry, so incredibly sorry."

"W-why was he in the hospital?" My voice broke, I didn't even know he was in the hospital.

"He had a mild heart attack in the beginning of the week," she answers. "There wasn't much to worry about, but he was kept in the hospital a little longer due to his old age and the growing concern for his heart. In the end, his body couldn't handle it. I'm so sorry."

I mumble a thank you, promising I would be there by tomorrow morning for him and hang up.

Not putting my phone away, I dial in the number for the facility. An office woman answers and redirects my call to Trent as I make my way back inside the apartment to prep for the trip back to my hometown.

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