It Begins

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~~~Lucy POV~~~
Some of the guild members and me are on an island in the middle of the ocean. Me and Cana are sharing a room. "Hey, Lucy" She asks


"I'm going to get more booze, I'll be back" And with that she left. After about 10 minutes I hear a scream. I race out of my room and into the lobby. There laying on the floor in a pile of blood is Cana. I can't move, all I can do is look at her. Soon the rest of the guild comes in. But I don't move, even when Natsu asks me if I'm okay. I just can't.

---Cana POV---

About half an hour ago I got a note. It said:

Let's Play A Game

It didn't scare me. It was probably from Natsu or Gray, they try to scare people sometimes. I wasn't any different, so I was calm. I take a swig of my last bottle of rum and tell Lucy I'm off to get more. On the way back I feel like someone is watching me. Before I have time to turn around I am tackled from behind, I feel the cool metal of a blade on my throat, it digs in a bit and some blood trickles down my neck. I feel my assaulter lean down to my ear and whisper.

"You Lose..." I scream as loud as I can before the blade is dragged across my throat and I am left to drown in my own blood. I try to get a glimps of my murderer but all I see is an open window and a slight breeze. I slowly close my eyes and think about dad. I'm going to miss him.


Who do you think is the murderer?

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