Part 2

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The look of pure hurt.

That was the look in Dean's eyes and it honestly made your heart tighten in your chest. You couldn't really understand what was going on. Why Dean would be like that. Sure you had realized that he was jealous of Owen, that was very much clear, and you knew- or well, hoped at least that it was because part of him had feelings for you. But you did not think that it would be to this extent that he would see you in another man's arms and be like this.

Maybe you had done something wrong? You really could not pinpoint what, though. But, sure, whatever it was there is no chance Dean would be like this, right?

Unless, something was going on and you had not realized it yet. But what? Cause, the possibility of Dean having that kind of deep feelings for you was highly- no, it was impossible. You and him were just friends. That's how you always remember yourselves. You were really close ever since you were kids, as much as you could be with the hunting lifestyles of your parents, and even when you grew up and met up with the Winchester brothers again he- Dean showed no interest. Well, yes he did flirt with you but that just for fun so of course he later stopped. Because you were friends. That's what you've always been and that's what you'd always be.

At least, that's what you reminded yourself every night he would go out with yet another woman he had fetched from the most recent bar you were in. It hurt you as well. You were not going to deny it and you were pretty sure that the look that Dean now had in his eyes was the exact same you had every time he was with another woman, in her arms or all over each other in bars while you and Sam stood back on the stool having a drink. The same look you knew you had every time you watched him with other women.

The look of pure hurt.

Because you were friends and you had feelings for him that he clearly did not reciprocate. It was something that had made you stop the actual search for a man good enough for you. Not to mention having lost all your confidence.

Meeting Owen that clearly showed an interest from the beginning and was insanely handsome made your spirits lift up a little bit and it felt like a gift sent from heavens.

Maybe it was for the best this way, right?

You and Dean were simply friends. Nothing was ever going to happen between you and him. Dean did not-

Owen hugged you more tightly and effectively broke your trail of thoughts. You focused your eyes on Dean again but as soon as he caught sight of them he averted his and turned his head the other way. His jaw was visibly clenched just like his fists.

You looked at him for just a few more seconds and letting out a small sigh you buried your face in the crook of Owen's neck again.

You heard Owen let a sigh of relief as well and after a while you both just pulled away. It was obvious how you didn't want to pull apart but you clearly had to because if you stayed any longer in each other's arms, hugging, then it would only be awkward. Although almost all of his co-workers had returned in their initial places and it was just you, Owen, Dean and Sam at the safety cage. Oh yeah, and that man Owen was previously talking to, just standing out of the safety cage watching with a smirk that you would be very pleased to wipe of his face.

"You're ok, right?" you asked with a frown, speaking before he could say anything.

"Yes, yes I'm fine" he said in a low voice.

"You sure? They didn't scratch you with their teeth? Or managed to bite at your arm or anything? Or you didn't get hurt while rolling under the door? Or-" you started rambling questions as you looking up and down at him, lifting his arms to check them, checking on his chest for any wounds and even turning him around to take a look at his back for any possible injures.

"Hey, hey easy!" he exclaimed effectively cutting off your rambling "Yes, yes I am fine. As you can clearly see" he said in a calm voice tone with a soft smile that soon turned into a smirk as he turned to face you again.

"Besides, if you want to take a look at my ass all you have to do is ask, sweetheart. I'm not going to say no. I would never say no to you" he said with a big smirk on his face.

You immediately scowled and rolled your eyes at him "Shut up" you hit his chest playfully but still a little hard.

"I got worried" you defended, crossing your arms over your chest.

"You got worried? Then what should I be? What were you thinking of jumping inside the cage just like that? They're dinosaurs (Y/n). Raptors for that matter. Ready to tear anything that stands in their way into shreds and eat it. It was really dumb of you to get in there just like that" he scolded and you averted your eyes from him to the ground.

"Sorry" you mumbled.

He let out a sigh and grabbing you by your arm he crashed you into his chest again and wrapped his arms around you "Just don't you ever think of doing it again, ok?" he said in a firm and full of authority voice tone- just like he had previously done with the Raptors.

You only nodded at his words and after a while a smirk appeared on your face, when you pulled away.

"Didn't know you were such a softy" you said in a low voice, smirking.

He merely scoffed "Me? Softy? What are you talking about?! I am a fierce Alpha, sweetheart. I don't go soft. And certainly... I don't go easy." by the end his voice had dropped dangerously low, rough and at the same time husky as a predatory grin spread on his lips "Never" he whispered to you, as he bent down, his face just a few inches away from yours.

"Fierce Alpha, huh?" you asked with a smirk and biting your lip "Well, that is definitely something interesting. But still, I think you are a softy" you added with a shrug and innocent look.

"Then just wait and you'll see for yourself"

"Oh so you intend to prove me wrong?" you raised an eyebrow.

"Depends" he shrugged.

"On?" you didn't wait to ask.

"Do you want me to?" he said and it was very much clear what he was suggesting right away, especially considering the smirk on his face.

You opened your mouth, ready to speak but a - rather loud - coughing prevented you from doing so.

Your eyes left Owen as you turned your head to look at Dean, fake, coughing "Sorry to interrupt. Not really" he started speaking while, let's not forget, glaring daggers at Owen "But it's time for us to get going. It was great meeting you Owen. If you need anything you have her number- no wait you actually don't. Great, then. That's even better. Now, excuse us while we leave and you never see us again. Good luck with your training, or whatever it is, and if you need anything while we are here, please hesitate to ask" he said with a tight smile, clearly a fake one, and grabbing you by you shoulders he started shoving you away from a rather stunned Owen.

You just kept looking back at Owen as Dean dragged you away from, which of course caused you to stumble a couple times. You turned your head to look at Dean but his eyes were fixated in front of him. He was deep in thought as you could obviously see. His jaw clenched and a clearly irritated expression was on his face.

"'If you want to take a look at my ass all you have to do is ask, sweetheart. I'm not going to say no. I would never say no to you.'" he hissed every sentence with a mocking face. Sarcastically repeating Owen's words that he had obviously heard. He rolled his eyes as he clearly thought of something. He muttered a few things under his breath.

He grumbled a few more thing before you could clearly hear him say again "'I am a fierce Alpha, sweetheart. I don't go soft. And certainly I don't go easy.'" he scoffed rather loudly and rolled his eyes "Fierce Alpha my ass" he grumbled.

You rolled your eyes at him but did not say anything as you let him drag you towards Sam.

"Come on, let's leave this fucking place. I didn't pay money to come see some freakin' dog tricks." he grumbled as he shoved both you and Sam.

"Yeah, of course you didn't pay. I did!" you exclaimed and he stopped in his tracks "What the hell is even wrong with you Dean?! I was talking with Owen after he, let's not forget, just saved me from those Raptors and you come in and are rude to him and just drag me away?"

"What? What would be my problem? I- I don't have a problem. Why would I? It's just- we don't have lots of time here and hella lot more exhibits to see. We shouldn't waste it here with you chatting up with Raptor-boy for- for how freaking tight his ass is or- or how rough he can be and I don't know what the fucking hell else!" he said throwing his hands in the air "You wanted to come here to see the dinos and all of the exhibits and that's what we are going to do. And I am pretty damn sure that he is not one! Even though he could be, considering his age anyway" he said and crossed his arms over his chest.

"He's not that old, Dean. No older than you anyway" Sam defended.

"We- we weren't talking about that!" you all-but-squeaked, feeling the redness in your cheeks rise.

"Yeah sure" he rolled his eyes "Cause I highly doubt Raptor-boy can make you org-" he started saying again before you and Sam cut him off.

"Dean!" you both exclaimed at the same time.

"Dude" Sam hissed to him in addition.

"I can't believe you" you shook your head, running a hand through your hair.

"Why? You think your Raptor-boy might be offended? Well, excuse me for being better in bed than he ever will" he scoffed "Like come on! Why would you ever want someone like him when you can have me anyway?" he said without really realizing what came out of his mouth.

Your eyes all-but-widened, just like his, when his words sunk in. A smile spread on Sam's lips, mostly at the fact that Dean finally said it and not the completely horrified look on his face. All color had drained off it and it could be described as a mix of shock and horror at the same time.

"What?" you breathed out.

Your heart was hammering in your chest as the words kept being repeated again and again in your head. You found it impossible to believe that he had said something like this much less believe that he actually meant it. Taking into consideration the look on his face, though, that gave away the fact that he was just thinking about it and didn't mean to say it in fear of embarrassing himself because he truly believed it then- you were pretty damn sure that he meant what he had just said and- he felt something for you? For real?

"What? I- I didn't say anything? What did you hear? I just- I just said that I'd be better that him in bed that's- that's all. Like, just saying. Not that there is any way of you finding out because that would just mean sleeping with me and- yeah, you know, can't happen cause- cause we are friends and- and friends don't- yeah and- You know what? Maybe we could stay some longer here. I wanna give a look to those Raptors again. Excuse me" he, after lots of rambling and stuttering, managed to utter.

You blinked a couple times just staring at the empty now space where he previously stood. You turned around to see him close to the cage with the Raptors showing, a really suspicious to you, interest in them. You turned to look at Sam whom you heard snicker a few times and sure as hell had a huge grin on his face. He was trying to hide it as soon as he saw you look at him but failed anyway.

"Do you know something I don't?" you asked him with narrowed eyes and he just shrugged and shook his head. Too quickly for your liking.

"Me? No what could I possibly know?" he said again too quickly for your liking.

"Yeah" you nodded slowly and quite dangerously for him as you looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Uh sorry for a while" he said and before you could ask him anything more he hurried to Dean's side.

You watched them for a while all the meanwhile trying to fight off a smile from appearing on your lips. Of course you had heard correctly, just like Sam had. And of course Dean had said just that, but didn't want to admit it. Just like Sam did not want to admit hearing him because he knew that he would not get away with it so easily from Dean.

Maybe you could just as well tease Dean a little bit more, right?

"So-" Owen's voice said suddenly heard from next to you and you turned your head to look at him "You're staying for a little more?" he asked.

"As it seems" you told him with a big smile.

"Must be my lucky day then" he smiled widely as well.

"I could probably say the same thing" you said to him with a smirk.

"Probably?" he repeated asking, raising an eyebrow at you.

"Well, I guess it is up to you to prove me wrong after all. Isn't it?" you asked as much seductively as you could.

"And you are probably right" he said in the same voice tone and you both soon chuckled.

"So, are you up for it?" he asked again and you felt your smile flutter slightly and heat rise to your cheeks.

Sure you were just shamelessly flirting with him but you were definitely not the kind of girl to jump in bed with someone they'd just met.

"Up for what?" you dared ask.

"A tour of the island. I'm sure you've already visited most exhibits here already but I know a few really interesting ones and could definitely show you" he said with a smile "And the guys of course" he soon added as both Dean and Sam approached you. Dean's ever-clenched jaw evident as he looked at Owen with suspicion.

"I thought your job here was training those big dogs not showing people around." he didn't miss beat to say at Owen sarcastically, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yeah it is but I can't just let a pretty lady walk around this place without any proper guidance. I mean, I don't know about Sam but it must be pretty awful for you with that sense of direction. Can't find your way around a proper comeback. Must suck huh?" Owen didn't miss a beat to retort to him as well, crossing his arms over his own chest.

"Just as much as I guess it sucks for you to have to use the same pick up lines again and again. Honestly I thought something was burning here until I realized that it was just your brain working overtime trying to come up with something new" Dean quickly said with a cheeky grin.

"Well, yours must feel relatively as good as new. Considering you have never used it before anyway" he said matter-of-factly and you could hear some snickering next to you.

"Well, I don't think women care much anyway. Or at least don't have time to point it out. You know they kinda become speechless when they get to see my other assets. But I guess it's hard for you to entirely understand huh? Must suck never having accomplished that in your life" Dean spoke up.

Owen opened his mouth, clearly to say something that would certainly make Dean shut up for good, but then closed it again. He glanced at you for a second and then at Dean "Well, don't know about that one but you can ask beautiful over here tomorrow and you will know. It's better late than ever anyway" he said with a smirk and turned his head to wink at giggling you.

Dean's eyes all but widened and he opened his mouth, ready to retort to him but was cut off before he could utter a word.

"Unbelievable" you all turned to look at a man approaching you. It was the same one that Owen was talking with before.

Owen just rolled his eyes at him and spoke "Something funny, Hoskins?" he asked with a glare as he saw the older man laugh.

"Oh no not much but it clearly is amusing to see you to fighting over our little damsel in distress" he said while laughing more and you frowned deeply.

"What did you say?" you asked him, glaring daggers at him; really bothered by how he called you more than anything else.

"Oh nothing just saying that- look, next time you wanna throw yourself inside the cage with those Raptors better let us know. Just make sure you make it more believable next time, ok? Pretend to be more afraid so someone can come to your rescue." he shrugged.

"You think I was pretending?" you raised an eyebrow as you walked closer to him.

"Hey, no offence" he started saying with an arrogant smirk "All I'm saying is that you just should be more shaken after the experience.Whoring out with two men right after is-"

"What?" he was cut off by you before he could say more.

You were on the point of punching him or more like kicking him where the sun doesn't rise and actually Sam had to hold you back at the moment. Not that it was much needed.

"Wanna repeat that buddy?" Dean's voice was dripping with sarcasm and venom as he towered over the man, his arms crossed over his chest which only made him more intimidating.

"I would very much like to hear it again" Owen added as he came to stand next to Dean, towering over Hoskins as well.

"So, Hoskins. You said something?" Owen spoke up again as he (you were sure) glared down at the man. His voice was dangerously low.

"What? No, no I didn't say anything" he said looking at both Dean and Owen that towered over him and were looking at him with death glares.

"I hope so. Cause my fist had been itching me today" Owen hissed at him.

"Mine still does" Dean said and without a warning his fist collided with Hoskins' face, sending him to stumble back.

"Uh yes, already feeling better" he said with a sarcastic and cheeky grin.

And without a second warning Owen clenched his fist and punched him as well, quickly managing to take hold of the hem of his shirt though.

"You ever talk about her that way again and..." he turned to glance at the Raptors behind you and then back at Hoskins "You're going to be their next meal" he threatened, his face dead serious as he spoke to Hoskins. He suddenly pushed him away, which only caused Hoskins to stumble and fall.

They both turned to look at you, a pretty satisfied expression on both their faces.

"How about we get going now? We have an island full of dinosaurs waiting for us" Owen said and you all nodded as you passed by Hoskins. Dean and Owen glaring at him, just like Sam, and you smiling cheekily at him with a satisfied expression on your face as well.

"So, how did you guys get here? The training areas are quite away from where people are allowed." Owen asked as you walked away.

"Uh a car that Dean fetched us brought us here" Sam said.

"But unfortunately it doesn't have much space for you in it as well" Dean said pretending to be sorry while it was crystal clear he was not.

"Well, we could always make some" you piped in.

"I like the sound of that already" Owen said, a grin started to form on his lips.

You let out a soft giggle and heard Dean growl slightly. You spoke again "Well I could simply just sit on Owen's lap" you shrugged as if it was the most simple thing in the world.

"Fine by me" Owen didn't miss a second to say as he looked down at you and you up at him. The same smile was on your face.

"Haha yeah, no. Funny. Really funny. But no. Nope. Nopity. Nope. Not happening" Dean started saying sarcastically but ended up being dead serious "You sit like that and I refuse to come" he said crossing his arms over his chest.

You rolled your eyes and groaned slightly "That sounds all the more tempting" you muttered and Dean looked at you with a stunned face "But- as much tempting as it does sound for plenty of reasons what else do you want us to do huh? There is not much space in the car. Or do you want to sit on Sam's lap so that me and Owen are not on top of each other?" you raised an eyebrow at him and crossed your arms over your chest.

"I didn't have that in mind" he muttered, mostly to himself, as he looked away from you.

"Then what?" you asked again, really wanting to hear this. Thoughts of what he possibly had in mind were running through yours and you couldn't help but smile at the thought of him wanting you to sit on his lap instead of Owen's because he was jealous but didn't want to make it obvious and instead have you propose it.

You were not going to make things easy for him, though.

"Nothing" he mumbled.

"It's ok. If Dean doesn't want you to sit on my lap or me to get in the car then so be it" Owen said, giving the much needed solution. Though it was not what you wanted to hear it certainly was what Dean wanted to hear but at the same time was really surprised to do so.

"Really?" he asked, raising an astonished eyebrow, a stunned expression on his face.

"Yeah" Owen shrugged nonchalantly "I have a motorbike. We could certainly use it" he said looking at you with a smirk.

"Hells yeah" you said with a huge grin.

"Hells no! Under no circumstances are you riding with him!" Dean exclaimed.

"Well, would like me riding with him or riding him? Because I would have no problem with the latter believe me" you snapped at Dean.

Owen's smile only got bigger.

"It's your choice" you said matter-of-factly.

Dean let out a rather loud groan and shaking his head he spoke "Fine, fine! Just- be careful with that thing"

"And be right behind us! If I for a second realize you have gone somewhere off on your own then-" he started saying again, pointing a finger at you or well mostly Owen, but Sam cut him off.

"Yeah yeah. Let' get going now" Sam said and dragged Dean who would not keep his eyes off of you and Owen to a car waiting just a few feet away from you.

You in the meanwhile followed Owen towards his motorbike that you had not noticed until now and was just a few feet away as well.

"Oh man" you breathed out as you took in the sight in front of you.

The motorbike was certainly one a man should brag about but- that slicked black beauty with Owen now sitting on top of it wearing the clothes, especially the brown leather jacket, he was, well, it certainly was an image coming out of your wettest dreams.

Owen only smirked at your reaction and extended one hand towards you. You took and soon sat right behind him on top of the motorbike.

"Make sure you hold on tightly, ok?" he said, slightly turning his head to look at you.

"Oh trust me, I intend to" you said with a grin as your hands made their way around his waist and your grip suddenly tightened.

It only made Owen chuckle slightly and the smile on his face surely get wider "Great then" he murmured and after having turned it on he sped up towards the now moving car in front of you with Sam and Dean.

A smile spread on your lips as your held onto Owen tightly and buried your head slightly on his shoulders from behind. You closed your eyes as the soft air hit you. Only one thought running through your mind.

This is going to be one hell of a ride indeed.

Jurassic World - Dean Winchester x Reader x Owen Gradyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें