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Physics would always be boring, but not today. In fact, I was enjoying this day. Nothing could ever replace the smile that was plastered onto my face.

Since earlier at the cafeteria, then when he gave way for me to enter the room. And next, we kissed! Haha! Just kidding, but I would actually love for it to happen. But, he talked to me though. And again, it gave me chills all over my spinal chord.

So back to reality now, we were finished with our physics class so it's time for the chemistry class. And again we are of the same class. I don't know, maybe our Dean do ship us because in every class, we are classmates.

That has so many "class" written on it, like literally.

Anywho, we went to our chemistry room where Mr. Alonzo is already waiting. He is the most hottest and gorgeous teacher here in Bridgeton High. Some say, he was seen flirting with some students but I don't buy it because he is just so good.

We are actually best buds. I can actually crack some joke to him, and he'd do the same with me. But in terms of grades, I have the lowest grade in his subject.

I was the first one in his class. I entered the room then greeted Mr. Alonzo with a wave and a smile. But this time, he didn't answer. In fact, he ignored me.

He was seated on his chair in front with his phone in his hands. Looks like he was texting somebody. I just shrugged it off and proceeded to my chair which was on the front row and near the window.

I placed my bag on to the floor and got my notebook and placed it on the arm rest of my chair and plugged my earphones to my phone and listened to some tunes. I of course selected 'Drag Me Down' by One Direction because they are my favorite boy band in the whole wide world. Well, I am next to Calum because he is the biggest Directioner of all the people here in our school.

After turning the volume to maximum, I got my charcoal-like pencil and started scribbling on to the paper. It is true that once you wear your headphones on, the world suddenly becomes quieter and more peaceful. Though it kinda hurts my eardrum, but I love music so yeah.

I was not hearing any of the conversations that was happening outside my world that I just created. But then I got startled by someone. And that someone is not Calum. Ashton.

"Hey!" He tapped my shoulder while sitting on the arm rest. Not on the arm chair itself but the arm rest. Oooh! Such a bad boy! I like it...

I turned around to face him. I feel like gagging. It is very rare to speak to him this closely, for Pete's sake. Like very very rare.

"H-hey? Hey me?" I asked, stuttering. Dumbass, of course he was talking to you, because he shouldn't be near you when he was not talking to you. I was blabbering thoughts inside my head because he was sitting so close to me.

"Yeah. How's your leg? Did you break anything from the fall?" He asked, sounding so concern.

Did I just hear that right? Was he concerned? Was he really concerned? Why am I asking myself twice of the same questions? Am I going insane? I think I am going insane.

"I did sprain my ankle for a bit, but it's all fine now." I answered trying my best to sound as calm as the still water. But deep inside, I wanted to scream and do all sorts of crazy things.

"Oh, I'm really sorry for Mia's behavior." He told me while biting his lower lip.

Oh fuck! Now I'm pregnant! I might deliver the baby after a minute or two! I just stared at him, still biting his luscious and wet lips. I'm thinking something, but I'd rather not say it out loud.

"Oh-oh! You worry...Don't!" I spat. I think I constructed a very wrong sentence. Dumbest person in the world right here!

"What?" He chuckled lightly. God! How can someone so cute cause me so much pain? I mean, literal pain, because secretly I've been pinching myself.

"I mean, Don't worry about it."

"No, she should say sorry to you, but I doubt she'd ever do that." He spoke, looking down. He looks like he is a little hopeless.

"No really. It's okay!" I insisted with a smile.

"I'll make it up to you." He argued. He was silent for awhile and then spoke some words I was longing to hear since I first laid eyes on him. "I'll treat you later!"

"Ah,, no! No need! Re-really I'm
fine" I stuttered.

"It was not a question. And if it was, I am not accepting no for an answer." He said so sternly.

All I could do was nod, because it is Ashton Irwin we're talking about right here. And how could you even turn down his requests and something!

"Okay class! Let us begin." Mr. Alonzo stood up from his chair then took his book and started writing formulas on the board. "Get your textbooks and open them to page 89".

In most days, I am focused on the board only. But now, my mind is flying everywhere! I'm thinking about Ashton and our date! I know it is not an official date like couples do, but I like the sound of it. I started thinking about what should I wear and what should I say to him to keep the mood going. I rested my chin on the palm of my hands while looking straight to the window.

I was concentrated by the two love birds that was canoodling on one of the branches that was outside. If that was me and Ashton. Oh how great my life could be. I was distracted by my thoughts, when a thick book smashed on my desk. And an angry Mr. Alonzo looking down at me.

"Ms. Waltz! Are you even listening?!" I just bowed down my head in shame. It's bad enough that I was put to shame earlier in the cafeteria and now this. "Get your butt out of your seat and go straight to the detention room!"

I was left there, dumbfounded. I don't know what to do, but I snapped out of my trance when Mr. Alonzo snapped his finger literally in front of my face.

I grabbed my bag from the floor, then took a glance to Ashton. He waved at me and a concerned face is all I see.



How was this one? Alright? I don't know what to write anymore, but I'll think of something...

Sorry for not updating like for a month or two now.. Coz, as a Directioner, 5sosFam and a Vampette, I am very busy.. Been focusing on my fangirling life!!

But, I promise I'm going to update more recent now!!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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