Home (Tasha & Nate POV)

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Home (Tasha & Nate POV)

A/N: This takes place between Chapters 26 and 27 of 'Been There, Done That'.

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(Tasha POV)

In the middle of the bustling crowds, I stood in the transit area at Incheon International Airport. And I was ready; ready to return home...to Singapore. However, I was still going to carry on activities in Korea, particularly MC-ing a new Korean talk show.

After the past harrowing events, SKarf had since disbanded. So now, I was pretty much on my own, well not exactly though.

"Tash!" I heard my brother's voice call out from the duty free shop. "I got some postcards to bring back home."

Yep...in the few weeks we spent together, I realised he had a habit of collecting postcards...maybe because the pictures were nice?

"Nate, are you looking forward to going back to our homeland?" I asked him. It still meant a lot to me that I was born a Singaporean. And even though Nate himself had only lived in Singapore for a year, he still was born there.

"I'm nervous..." he looked down. "I don't even know what the city looks like..."

Granted...he was trapped for much of his life. And he was too young then for Dad to take him travelling. Speaking of whom, I really wanted to meet my dad face to face. Was he still in Korea?

"Tash...how will Mum think of me when we do meet her? Will she still remember me?" he continued fretting.

"Hopefully..." I put on my most confident face. "But she did see photos of you up till you were seven. And you really haven't changed much in terms of looks."

Nate caressed his hand on his cheek. He did not seem convinced.

"But..." he carried on worrying, "are the people nice? Is the city relatively safe?"

Boy, he had a lot of questions. I had to reassure him even all the way to our gate.

"Will Mum meet us at the airport?" he asked me suddenly.

"I'm sure she would. Anything to be reunited with her missing son, you," I smiled broadly. "Oh yes, Ferlyn will be receiving us too!"

At that comment, Nate's eyes lit up and he cried, "YEAH!"

I gave him a weird look straight after he finished his mini celebration.

"Oh...err I meant...phew! Someone familiar at least!" he tried to cover his embarrassment.

"Strange...?" I tried teasing him. "Why is my brother so enthusiastic at the mention of my fellow singer friend...? Maybe...?"

"No no Tash!" he defended himself. "I'm just glad I won't get too nervous later on!"

Either way, we made our way into the plane and settled down for the long, six-hour flight that lay ahead. We were scheduled to arrive at mid-afternoon, Singapore time.

As the plane taxied onto the runway, Nate just stared out the window blankly. Me? I remained cool and looked forward to seeing Mum again.

(~ Some time later ~)

Nate and I stepped out of the plane and into the terminal. We had finally landed in Singapore! I took another breath and felt welcomed. I was back home...

"I saw the Singapore skyline on the way here," Nate told me. "It looks so pretty. You were right when you talked about Singapore being a Garden City!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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