Background Info

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The SCP-Foundation is a facility for containing the strange and inexplicable. Those "objects" or "creatures", called SCPs, are given numbers and a containment area specially built to last against what the SCP's special qualities are. They use prisoners when they test "SCP to human interaction". Those prisoners are given numbers, so the staff of the foundation doesn't have to remember all the names of all of them. While most of the SCPs are dangerous some are friendly and kind. The SCPs are also given different levels of classes, depending on how dangerous they are. Ones that are labeled safe are ok but can still be dangerous. Euclid ones are more dangerous and must contained with special procedures. The keter labeled ones are the hardest to contain, they must be contained with extremely special procedures. A keter level SCP can end the world alone. The SCP-Foundation has many sites. Usually the really bad SCPs are sent to site 19, which is where our story begins...

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