Bad Boy 2 - Deals with the Devil

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How To Tame A Bad Boy

Bad Boy 2 – Deals with the Devil


I groaned and threw my alarm clock against the wall, hearing the beeping suddenly stop.

A let out a sigh of relief, and sung my feet over the edge of my bed, letting out a groan.

Once my feet hit the cold floor, I curled up back in my warm blanket, wanting to go back to sleep.

Not even two seconds later, banging came on my door.

"LONDON!!!! UP!!!!! COME ON!!!! UP! UP! UP! WOMAN!!!!" Kiana bashed against my door.

"I don't want to......" I cried.

"DON'T MAKE ME BASH THIS DOOR DOWN!" Kiana yelled probably waking up all of the people in the nearby dorms.

I groaned, running over to the door, unlocking it.

"Get your big fat lazy ass out of that bed" Kiana tsked, snapping her finger at me.

"Shhh" I hushed her, her voice was too loud for this early in the morning.

"Sooooo.....I was thinking..... " Kiana trailed off, looking around my dorm, looking very suspicious.

"Kiana....." I taunted.

"I was only thinking! Shish woman! Wanna hear my idea?" She asked, looking very proud of her idea.


"Well I was thinking since Jaxon like totally has the hot's for you....and you hate his guts......maybe you could turn his game around?" What the hell is she going on about?!?!??!?!?!??!?

"Tell me that in about half an hour" a yawned, making my way, back into my bed. I'm too tired to understand her gibberish.

"No! You're not going back to bed! You're going to flirt and turn Jaxon's game around!" Kiana tsked.

Wait.....She wanted me to flirt with Jaxon and make him have a taste of his own medicine?

"What!??!??!?!" I yelled, fully awake now, my eyes slightly popping out of my head.

"You have to! Teach him a lesson! And I mean....god every boy in school drools over you, I mean, you are hot, have a look in the mirror! London, if I was a guy, I would be drooling over you!" Kiana giggled.

"So you want me huh" I swayed my hips in her direction, with a smirk playing at me lips.

"Don't be stupid, I've only got eyes for Jaxon, god he's so hot... he must taste sexy....." Kiana trailed off.

"If you going to go all gooey and shit on me move it hun" I tsked, snapping my fingers.

"Fine...but were going to a party after school and you're not leaving this place without a bikini on, your sexiest bikini for Jaxon, even if I need to pin you down" She grinned.

She did not just say that! OH NO SHE DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!

"No way in hell a-"

"WERE GOING AND THAT'S THAT" Kiana cut me off.

God I was going to kill Kiana.


"Kiana, each time your flirt or drool over Jaxon you owe me $100 bucks each time, for one day, and each time you don't I owe you $100!!!!!!!!!!!" I betted Kiana, knowing I was going to win big time...

Kiana snapped her head away from Jaxon's, Pain flickering over her eyes for a second.

"You're on..." Her head snapped back in Jaxon's direction. "...Starting from tomorrow" She giggled and licked her lips as Jaxon was making out with a totally different girl to the other ones we've seen today.

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