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     The guards stood stoically in a circle enclosing the thief's prize.

     Just inside the circle lay the cloak belonging to Sigurd. Legend claimed that the wearer was said to be invisible to anyone when he or she wore it. The cloak, Tarnkappa, was woven out of sun and moon light and was said to have been given as a gift to Sigurd for his bravery for slaying Fafnir, the dragon.

     The thief already had Sigurd's dragon slayer sword belted to her side and decided to take the initiative to please the king and snag the cloak as well. Her commander had ordered the theft of the sword but not the cloak but the thief figured that a cloak of invisibility on their side would be a pretty good weapon. After all, who doesn't love a complete set? She silently flapped her black wings moving closer towards her goal.

     One of the men turned to ask another guard a question and caught the winged thief with her arms outstretched towards the cloak. "Halt in the name of the All-Father-"

     The thief swore and dove forward, snagging the cloak before flying out of the hall.

     The guards screamed at the top of their lungs. "Intruder, thief, stop him!"

     The 'him' comment pissed the thief off. Just because a woman's hair was a shorter length it didn't mean she was a boy. She kept her hair short because it was easier to hide her normal appearance but she didn't think she looked that much like a boy.

     She weaved in and out of hallway after hallway in Asgard. The guards continued to chase her and she realized that she wouldn't be able to outrun, or rather out-fly, them. She needed to find some place to hide until they went to look for her somewhere else. She noticed a high ceiling leading towards an indoor balcony that looked over the hallway. She swerved up and dove onto the ledge. Rolling as she landed, she stood up and brushed off her wings. She threw the cloak on and ran down the stairs into a library. She stopped distracted by the sheer number of books.

     The library was dark wood; with row upon row of bookshelves that stretched up to the second level of the palace. Now, she wasn't normally the type to put everything on pause simply because of a good book, but with the amount of knowledge this library held, she couldn't help but take a look. Just one of these books could strengthen her king's plans and push them to the next level. Not to mention the books were so old that a single book would probably sell for a small fortune.

     She wandered through the shelving until she came to a small corner with a bay window seat, a lounge chair with a small table next to it and a man sitting on the window seat. She froze before whipping behind the bookshelf. Then she laughed at her stupidity; she was under a freaking invisibility cloak. The man couldn't see her. She confidently strutted out into the open and the man didn't look her way. Odin himself had blessed the cloak so there was no reason for it not to work.

     A noise behind her made her jump and the thief looked up to see a tall, muscular blonde man storming into the room.

     "Loki, where is it?" the giant bellowed.

     Loki looked up from his book and frowned. "I haven't the faintest idea what you're referring to. And really Thor, Mother has taught you about indoor voices. We are in a library after all. This is a place of quiet, although now that I come to think of it, that's probably why you're rarely here. Now, whatever you think I've done, let me assure you that I didn't do it. I've been here reading the whole afternoon so I really have no idea what I could have done to make you so mad. Really Thor, it's not right for a 'would be king' to go around randomly accusing his people of things they didn't do."

     The thief shivered at 'Loki's' voice. It was deep, rich and floated around her like a warm summer day. Add to that the man's looks, along with the accent and he was the total package. Silky black hair and the most piercing emerald green eyes only made him more irresistible.

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