The Butterflies Made Me Do It!

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"Would you please focus?" I whined at Luke. 

We were sitting at my kitchen table, once again working on our project. We had been working for over an hour and hadn't even finished the third section. Luke wouldn't stop talking about some new video game that he wanted.  

"I don't care about the game, I want you to shut up and work," I said, forcing his pencil into his hand. 

"You hate anything related to school," Luke laughed, "Why are you so into it now?" 

"Because, as soon as this is done, you won't be around anymore." 

"That hurts, Sammie," Luke pouted, laying his hand over his heart.  

My retort was stuck in my throat, he was so damn cute. Whatever I was about to say flew out of my head the moment he gave me his puppy dog face.  

"Party!" Selene yelled as she barged into the house.  

All thoughts of Luke's handsome face were put on hold and i turned in my seat. Being that our kitchen had a direct view to the front door, I was able to clearly see my friend stumbling in, drunk as hell.

"Jesus Selene, it's only five," I scolded her.  I probably wouldn't have cared if Luke hadn't been there. If I would have been home alone, I would have been high. I would have found her drunken state hilarious, and I would have joined in the fun. Since Luke was with me and I was desperately trying to complete our assignment, I was sober.  

"Lighten up, Sammie," She laughed.  

"Or you could light up," A boy said behind her.  He grabbed onto Selene's waist and pushed her forwards, allowing me to see his face. 

"Ah, hi Johnny," I said.  Johnny was Selene's on again, off again guy. He was a slightly chubby boy with greasy brown hair that went to the bottom of his ears. One week Selene would bring him over every day, and then the next week it would be like he never existed. Apparently it was his week to get laid.  

"Who's the boy?" He asked, handing me a freshly lit joint. 

"Luke," I said breathless from holding smoke in my lungs.  

Luke stood up and shook Johnny's hand, of course while smiling. When he sat back down, his chair moved slightly closer to mine, causing me to jump and then choke, sending me into a coughing fit.  

Johnny and Selene laughed at me while Luke forcefully patted my back.  

"Dude, I'm not choking on food," I said still coughing, "You patting ain't gonna do anything." 

Luke leaned in until his lips were right next to my ear and whispered, "Yeah, but it gives me an excuse to be close to you." 

Butterflies erupted in my stomach the second his breath brushed my neck, and I couldn't stop the goose bumps from covering my skin. I swiftly pulled myself away from him and awkwardly took another hit from the joint. I knew he sensed the effect he had on me by the smirk he was shooting my way. Stupid boy.  

"I brought the party!" Vanessa yelled as she walked through the door that Selene had left open.  

She came in with two girls and four guys, upping the total of people in our house to eleven. Oh, this could only get bigger. If our previous nights were any indication, the house would be packed within the hour.  I had to get Luke out.

"You should probably go," I said quietly to Luke. 

"Nope! The boy stays!" Vanessa yelled.  She grabbed onto Luke's hand and pulled him over to the radio.

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