District Eleven: Ebony Holbrook

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Name: Ebony Holbrook

Gender: Female

Age: 17

District: Eleven

Physical Appearance: She stands with a posture rigid enough to make any proper woman weep, with a tense alertness that gives off the impression of restraint. Ebony is considered by many to be beautiful. However it is not a kind or gentle beauty. The angles of her body are harsh; cheekbones sharp, muscles taut and visibly strong. She stands tall, and will always meet your gaze with a pair of level brown eyes that give away nothing. Those eyes help frame a determined and cold face, undeterred by the thick, black curls that scatter messily about it.

Personality: Ebony is very quiet, very restrained. She does not often speak her mind, and focuses more on the task at hand than the future outcome. She is considered by most to be aloof, and sometimes very intimidating. Every move that she makes is carefully planned and calculated, because what she may lack in social skills, she makes up for in brains. Ebony is a highly meticulous, intelligent, and potentially ruthless competitor who wants nothing more than to go home-at any cost.

Past: Her mother suffered from Postpartum depression which extended on into most of Ebony's life. This reversed the roles of mother and daughter in the household, and led to Ebony becoming the sole caretaker of herself and her mother from a very early age. She herself lives by a very strict and rigorous lifestyle, one that leaves very little room for error.

Weapon of Choice: A spear, if absolutely necessary.

Strength: Her intelligence.

Weakness: She believes herself to be fully self-reliant, so when placed in the situation where she has to ask someone else for help, her resolve weakens.

Token: None.

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