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People don't understand me. They look at me and think something totally different than what I am. I am vibrant, if you give me a chance I can show you how colorful I am. I am stuck in this colorless place with just my colorful self.
When I was little I use to write my papers on hot pink paper and write with purple markers, but my teacher gave me a pen and told me
" You have to write in black on a notebook paper".
I was young and followed the rules then. But now things are different.


A reject is what they called me. Everywhere I go I am on the side lines, even in my own home. People see something that isn't up to society's standards and walk away and that's what they do to me.
Because I color my hair.
Because I have a eyebrow piercing.
Because I don't have someone to support me.
Because I am me.
There's nothing I can change about that, trust me I have tried.
I am stuck in a black and white world but I am filled with color.
But there is nothing to be colorful for, so my color is slowly fading.

Black and whiteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin