Entry 35.

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"Anna" it's the first time Damian has used my name in two days.

"Present" I respond, slowing the knife in my hand to a slow dice while waiting for him to continue.

He doesn't.

I turn to find a 9-foot gold hued wolf standing on two feet. It leans against the door heaving and bleeding from multiple scars.

"Oh, baby" I coo, walking over to him and gently taking his hand.

Am I scared of this creature?

Very, I just don't want to show it.

My hands though shaky, manage to keep a firm grip on his large paw, walking him to the stairs.

"Would it be too much to ask for you to simmer down?" I ask, turning to the left wing which leads to his chambers, hoping he won't notice.

No such luck, he groans and pulls towards the right instead, meaning I'm still not allowed in that room.

We end up in my room, and he falls to the ground, coughing and hacking before puking his guts, mostly vaprourising black smoke.

He shrinks to his normal self, and let myself smile a little.

I help him to his feet and place him on the bed, running my hands over his shirt before trying to take it off.

He won't budge, meaning he's really hurt. I move through the jacket buttons quickly, then grabbing his shirt by the neck, I pull, only able to rip it so far.

"Hey, Damian" I call, slapping him lightly, " I need your help, give me something I can work with".

An elongatedd claw sprouts from his index finger, making me flinch. Using the claw, I draw a line over the shirt, cutting though easily.

My breathe hitches at the sight that I'm presented with, never mind the bruises, his body is glorious.

Control yourself, Anna.

I push all thoughts to the back of my mind and begin stripping the rest of him.

He's really a sight to behold, a firm and toned youthful body.

I pull him up and he hits the floor, forcing me to drag him across to the bathroom.

Once in, I hoist his body into the bath tub and begin to fill it.

He seems unconsious. If not for this arrangement, I'd be in love with the fool.

Suddenly he lashes out fully clawed hand, missing my body quite narrowly. His eyes are burning yellow and breathing heavy.

"Damian!" I call, positioning myself as far as possible, while reaching for a metal rod I'd hid here before.

He growls, reaching to climb out. His attention isn't on me, it's like I'm not there.

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