Chapter 2: Tired.

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*Phil's POV*

I was nearly asleep, despite the fact it was around midnight. Don't judge me though, I just got sucked into looking at GIFs of cute animals on Tumblr. 

My phone buzzed twice, alerting me to the fact that I'd received a text message. I blindly reached for it in the dark, swiping my glasses off the nightstand as well. I slipped the glasses on, unlocking the phone with my free hand. I squinted to adjust to the sudden brightness of the screen intruding my vision, a rather large contrast to the darkness of my room. A text from Dan was on the screen. 

From: Dan ^_^ 
I can't sleep.

To: Dan ^_^
Why are you texting me? Our rooms are literally right next to each other you spork. 

From: Dan ^_^
Don't call me a spork, you ignoramus. That's my word. And idk, I just want to talk. 

To: Dan ^_^
Fine, I'll meet you in the hallway. 

From: Dan ^_^

To: Dan ^_^
Don't call me bae plz

I got up from my warm and comfy bed, hoping Dan appreciated the fact that I'm sacrificing a good nights sleep for him. We met up in the hall in silence, walking out into the kitchen. He flicked on the light as I leaned a hip against the counter. 

"Want some ice cream?" He asked, already opening up the freezer door. I scoffed at the notion that I would say no to the tasty treat.

"Who do you think I am? Of course I'll have some, ice cream is on the menu for any time." He rolled his eyes, pulling out two containers of ice cream and setting them on the counter. He grabbed two spoons from the cutlery drawer, sliding the vanilla ice cream and a spoon over to me. 

"Are we just eating directly out of the containers?" I asked, looking at it speculatively. 

Dan smiled, popping the lid off of his chocolate ice cream. "I'm just a rebel like that." He shoveled a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth, scrunching up his face an instant later as a pained expression took over his features. He bent over the sink, spitting out the ice cream, looking up at me with chocolate dripping off his chin. "Brain freeze!" He turned the sink water on to warm, putting his mouth under it. 

I couldn't contain my laughter as I grabbed a sheet of paper towel from the roll, handing it over to him as soon as he was upright again. He wiped his mouth off, a pout on his face. I smiled as I gave him a quick pat on the back. "Don't worry, not everyone can be as smooth as I am," I proclaimed. 

He snorted, giving me a light shove on the upper arm. "Yeah, right. Says the guy who practically drowned himself in a cereal bowl yesterday." 

I pouted, going back to my ice cream container. I took a small spoonful, hoping to avoid the brain freeze Dan had received. I let out a sound of appreciation as I tasted the sweet flavor, drawing a strange look from Dan at the noise. I just shrugged, continuing to eat as Dan finally trusted himself not to get a brain freeze again. 

"Do you ever miss home?" Dan asked, not looking at me as he dug his spoon into his container. 

I knew where he meant- real home. England. "Yeah, sometimes. But I also love it here, I just wish I could bring my whole family over here to live with us." 

He smiled, finally looking up at me. "I know what you mean, but I don't think so many people would be able to fit in this apartment." 

I scoffed, licking some ice cream off of my spoon."You know that's not what I mean. I do miss home, but I also couldn't imagine living here." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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