Old Ends and New Beginnings

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I stood above the graves of my family, mother, father, and brother all buried together. I looked to my once loved clearing to find it eerily quiet, I was flooded with memories no matter where I looked, and it grieved my heart more than words can describe. I payed flowers on each grave and went inside, I put on my fathers hunting jacket, it was a little big but I knew I'd grow into it, then I slung my bow across my back and my brothers sword on my hip. I went about the room filling my pockets with alchemical ingredients and potions, and a couple poisons to be safe. I packed a decent amount of dried meat in my pack and filled my three water skins, then picked out my favorite arrows and put them in my quiver across my back, twenty-four arrows for twenty-four lives my father would say.

I grabbed my bedroll just incase and four or five torches, luckily I wasn't an idiot when it came to magic so lightling a fire has always been a simple matter. I grabbed a blank leather bound book and a couple charcoal sticks to keep a journal.

I put several lockpicks in one of my pockets just incase and grabbed my mothers enchanted ring, she was quite the Mage and said it helped against the colder winters, I hoped it was true as winter was fast approaching but all suspicion dissipated as I slid the ring on my finger and I instantly felt warmer.

"Thanks mother, I shall guard it with my life." I say looking in the direction of her grave,

I went to my room and pulled out an amulet I got from a trader three winters ago, he had said it aided healing and so I bought it for 780 septims, my father was less than pleased. I chuckled lightly remembering that argument as I put on the amulet. I also pulled out a portrait of all of us together, folded it up and put it in a pocket next to my heart. Looking around the room I remembered the hours of studying magic and alchemy I spent, as well as reading about enchanting here and there when I thought of mother. This had beef my home for so long, all I feel for it now is sadness, all I see are the faces of my dead family. Taking my hunting knife as well as my fathers as a spare I walked out of that room, and out of that house.

I didn't look back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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