The Vet

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In the town of Verdanaville lived a vet. She was always cleaning up the witch's messes when it came to pets. There were many times when she had to save the pets that had gotten into the witch's path. One time, for instance, the witch shoved a dog's head into a hanger and the vet had to get it out. Another time, the witch snapped another dog's leg in half. The vet had to fix that too. 

This vet lady also loved clipboards. They were one of her obsessions. She loved collecting clipboards- in fact, she had over a thousand displayed in a room of her house. Her other obsession was milk. She was determined to try every kind of milk there was- and each time, she kept the container the milk was in on display in yet another room of her house. 

But she hated the witch. She hated the way the witch hurt animals that were in her path. She hated the way the witch hurt anything in her path. But there was nothing she could do about it. But maybe someone else....

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