Chapter 2

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When nightfall came, everyone started to get worried. Most of the survivors didn't know what to do. They had never been living in the wilderness before. Galen was one of the few exceptions. He knew how to survive. He even fashioned himself a small blade. No one trusted him though. They all feared him. They all hated him. Aaron hated him the most. Aaron hated Galen because he murdered his uncle. Aaron hated him because he couldn't save Jenny and Minnie from the explosion. Aaron hated him because he left Jackson to bleed out on the beach. Jackson laid in a small area designated for the majorly wounded. He had survived because the explosion blew shrapnel towards him that caught his shirt on fire. Aaron ran to him and saved him. 

Max had slept through most of the day. He awoke right before the plane blew up, and Galen was hurt, and Jenny and Minnie died. he saw everyone running everywhere and could't keep focus of the situation. His vision blurred and he had a hard time trying to breathe. When he caught sight of the of everything going on he leaned up and watch everyone scramble to collect their shit. Max stood and started to feel a dripping on his shoulder. He checked to see that blood had been dripping on him. When he looked up, he saw that Kevin was still in his seat. The plane was upside down, and Kevin had been hanging. Assuming he was dead, Max ran out into the middle of the beach. 

Eric watched everyone scramble and panic. He wondered how to wake from the nightmare he was in. It was obviously a nightmare. A nightmare fueled by Maya's continuous ramblings of how scared she was. He thought of how shitty the world is. How none of this could have actually happened to him. it couldn't and didn't. His life wasn't cool enough. He caught himself. "No my life is very cool and fun," he thought to himself. he had been a bit pessimistic about everything recently; it displeased him. Eric was always a fun guy. At least he thought he was. Well he didn't have to think now. None of this was real. Eric turned his head and saw Kevin dangling from his seat. He had awoken was trying to unlatch his seatbelt. When he did, he fell to the ground with a large thud. Kevin didn't get back up. Eric shrugged this off  stared at the hole in the plane where it had been split in two. he could see how early it was. Maybe 1:00 in the afternoon at the latest. 

Kevin rose to see Eric's cold dead expression. Fearing he was looking at someone dead, Kevin ran towards the opening in the plane and saw the complete distress the beach was in. E dropped to his knees feeling weak and in pain. He spat his crimson red blood onto the golden sand. Kevin was tired and weak. he felt the bruises all over his body. He looked down at the ground and pondered death. It was a viable option. Many other people had died. Why couldn't he? Kevin thought for a second longer and realized that it was not the case. He would not die. Not yet. Not until he fucked death itself in the ass.

Galen suffered second degree burns on his face from trying to save the people from the explosion. Half his face seemed so wrinkly, and the burn marks made his skin look so pale. When he saw his face in the reflection of the broken glass, Galen decided he looked like leper. 

A bonfire had been built in the center of the entire wreck. Galen built it even though people made fun of him for already burning himself. Everyone gathered around it when it became nightfall. They excluded Galen from being part of that huddle. Everyone still hated him. Galen fashioned a blade out of a single edged sword and some of the padding used to make up the plane seats to create his hilt. The crowd of about twenty survivors surrounded the fire to keep warm. Galen built another fire for himself, that was immediately taken over buy everyone else because there was enough room by the first. They kicked Galen out again. Galen decided the beach wasn't for him. e walked into the forest and decided to scout for some food. He knew he was gonna need a lot to be able to feed everyone; and then twice as many to feed himself. Of course he wasn't gonna eat any of that food. No the rest of the survivors would grab almost all of it, deeming him to much of a monster to deserve anything. 

"What's gonna happen now?" asked Max. Ben and Aaron both  spoke up. "We need  to survive, and then somehow callout to the rest of the world." proclaimed Ben.

"We ned to pick a leader. Someone who knows what they're doing. Someone who can guide us. Someone who will protect us." said Aaron.

"Alright who then?" asked Ben. "I nominate myself."

"No I can do it. I watched all the episodes of Lost on Netflix, and this is a pretty similar scenario," Aaron replied. The two went back at it for an hour in the night. The argument continued without being stopped once by everyone else who was listening closely. Eric watched them both argue. He deemed neither of them worthy of the responsibility. Galen returned with a bloodied blade and what looked like some sort of squirrel. He cooked them and fed them to everyone. Eric repaid his gratitude to Galen by sharing his piece. Galen was completely and utterly surprised. Someone didn't hate him. Eric thought for a second and then realized what should be done. he stood up and shouted at both Aaron and Ben.

"Hey shut the fuck up! Both of you!" everyone turned their heads to face Eric. "You know who is better than the both of you idiots?"

"Your mom in bed?" Ben joked.

"Shut up ya fucking virgin." Ben stopped and stared angrily at Eric. "i nominate Galen to lead us. He built two fires, hunted, and tried to save Jenny and Minnie, scarring himself for life in the process."

"Wait my scars are for life?"

"You mean this faggot who killed a hundred cops? The same one that left Jackson to die, just so he could fail at saving Jenny and Minnie?" shouted Aaron angrily.

"If you're against it Aaron, show us you're better than him. Fight him and show us you're stronger. Hunt and bring back more food. Build a bigger fire than him, and risk your life to save someone to show us you care more than him." 

Aaron looked at Galen who had been starring blankly at the both of them. Aaron knew he was better than Galen. He was a good guy, and Galen was a bad guy. The good guys always beat the bad guys. Aaron was smarter too. He knew how t hunt. He watched all the episodes of Lost. Galen had nothing. He didn't even have the support of anon on this beach. aaron knew he could win.

"If that fucker thinks he can beat me let him try. But if I win, he will be the leader" Aaron said

"Those are the rules," said Eric.

"Good then as my first instruction would be to execute all those who would oppose or challenge the law. So if Galen loses, he will be executed for crimes against humanity."

"And if decide not to challenge you?" asked Galen.

"Then you will be given until dawn to run and hide away forever in the forest."

"I'm not taking any part in this," said Ben whom everyone had completely forgotten about.

Galen starred at Aaron blankly. He had a major decision on his hands. He could challenge Aaron and most likely win. But on the chance he loses, he would be immediately killed. There would be nothing he could do about it. Or he could run right now an make a life in the forest. No one likes him anyways. Who says he's guaranteed his life even if he wins. 

Galen then stood up and said his answer. 

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