Chapter 2

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Beach Party

      She was having a great time!Well if you call a great time getting hit on by sober and drunk boys twice your size then of coure!All in all,found it strange that Opal sat by herself on her DS,no one noticed her and she didn't show it but she seemed sad..Lost in thought Jamie completey forgot she standing with a soda in hand in the middle of the bonfire thing and of course,it was spilled on her..and by a sober young hadsome man,nope scratch that sober old man with a beard and everything.He wasn't a proffesor,maybe he was one of those drop outs who returned after a year or three...Oh well,he was a problem now.

"Hey preety lil' thang,you hear alone?"

"No,I uh...I'm here with her.."Pointing toward Opal was the only thing she could think an excuse was in order.

"Oh my,looks like your friend left you alone hm?Why not come shack up with me?" He reached in his pocket and pulled out a napkin reaching for her chest to wipe off the soda,to bad he wasn't her type.

"Get your hands off of her please."


Her voice was music to Jamie's ears,looking back to the towering male he smirked and pulled her in close a little to forceful."Oh but,why should I let go of my girl?"


"She's not your girl.Matter of fact she's mine,now let her go before I'm forced to use well force.." Throughout her whole sentence she sounded calm and steady and Jamie could feel her hand grab hers.

"Well little lady go ahead I-"

"Okay." After a groan of pain Jamie was in Opals arms,a smile on her face as she hugged her slightly.

"Thank you!"

"...I don't deal well with people,can we go somewhere else for a bit.Meet the others back up when they decide to text us.."

"Sure..I mean I had my fun.." Jamie let her go and noticed how pale Opal was,maybe thats why her name is Opal..heh she began thinking to herself as she ran a hand through her hair."Let's go I guess..".Nodding,Opal grabbed her hand and began pulling her away more towards the water,taking off her boots and resting them in the sand,Jamie did the same and smiled looking up as they began to walk hand in a hand Opal had more of a secretive grin.

"Yor brother told me lots about you..maybe a bit to much though.."She looked to her feet as they began walking along the beach,Jamie nodded and blushed a bit as they walked.

"No need to be embaressed,if your wondering if he told me,he did."

" your'e comfortable with it..?"

"Why wouldn't I be?I'm Pan,so it doesn't bother much"

"Great...I mean."

"Heh,it's fine..You like music?You play guitar right?"

"Yeah,I've been playing sice well we moved here which was-"

"When you were 5 years old.."

"Great remembrence..."

"Not just remembering,I kinda care I guess.."

"Oh wow,first in forever.."

They burst out in laughter as Opal squeezes her hand lightly and look to her smiling from ear to ear.

"Yeah,I know.I enjoy your company by the way Jamie."Her voice was a bit more high pitched than the regular and you could see she was blushing heavily.Jamie nodded and and stopped walking and looked to Opal with a smile,Opal stopped and tilted her head standing infront of her still holding her hand. "Hm?Getting tired already?"

"No I-.." She stopped trying to explain and pulled Opal closer to her and kissed her lips gently with an intense blush.Opal opened her eyes wide but gave into the kiss enjoying it,they both stood there and the world seemed to only be the ocean and the sand,everything else was gone.

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