To All My Ladies...

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Girls, Girls, Girls... Nowadays alot of us depend on others especially men to give us what we want and need. I mean yes it's romantic and sweet for a man to buy you something BUT YOU NEVER EVER DEPEND ON A MAN!

Females nowadays feel the need for a man to provide you with financial security and things you desire. We can't continue to do that, you be I N D E P E N D E N T
If you want it GO GET IT! Don't wait for Ray Ray or Daequan to give you some money to buy shit! If you want that Birkin Bag you betta go work and get that shit yourself, cuz dudes will turn on you quicker than a bitch!
Now I ain't saying not to ask for shit, cause that's cool but you always treat yourself.
You want that new car, do you and go get it!
Don't depend on a man for a damn thing!!!!
*throws peace sign and fades way*

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