Chapter 2

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Caitlin's POV

***Three Days Later***

I woke up to the sound of a truck and people talking.

That's right. It's moving day for Emma.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 9 AM. I know, early, but I have to get time in with my best friend before she leaves.

I woke up and got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair, and did my make up then went downstairs. I saw both of my parents sitting at the table, eating some breakfast.

"Hey mom, dad, I'm going to Emma's house right now. That's ok with you right?"

"Yes, of course, sweetie." my mom said as she smiled at me.

I went outside and hopped over the fence separating our properties. I wasn't gonna do the long walk around, that's dumb and pointless.

I saw her sitting on the lawn, staring at the moving people carrying their stuff. She seemed very sad and thoughtful. I went over and sat down next to her.

"Hey Emma Lee" I said.

"Hi" she said, sounding very sad.

"Do you wanna do something away from here to get your mind off of everything?" I said

"I have to ask my mom. I'd love to, though."

"Well, stop sitting here and go ask her!"

"Okay, okay!" She said. She stood up and walked over to her mom. I saw them engage in conversation. Her mom seemed stressed out but seemed to agree to what Emma asked.

I stood up as she walked back over to me.

"I can go out but I have to be back here at 4 because that's when we are leaving." she said

"Gotcha." I said. "So, what do you want to do today?"

"We could go to the mall?" she said.

"Whatever you want. It's your day." I smiled at her You're last day.


Emma drove us to the mall because I still don't have my learner's permit even though I'm sixteen. I know, I know, it's embarassing but to be honest I don't care....that much....okay you caught me! I failed the test. Twice. So I will probably not pass it anytime soon. I'll deal with other people driving me places.

Emma and I hit up our favorite stores and then went to our favorite restaurant, Olive Garden. There's just something about that place that we both love. It's just so alluring to us.

While we waited to be seate, we sat on a bench outside holding that little buzzer thingy mabob. We looked at people passing by and came up with their life story.

"Oh, wait, see that woman over there?" Emma said. I looked and saw a lady in a business-causal outfit on the phone while walking her purse dog. I turned back to her and nodded. "She works with a big company that her dad owns. And, as you can tell by that little purse dog, she is posh and snobby and annoying. She has too much money to her name and she has no work friends. She had one once and they got into a fight so she asked her father to fire her." After she said this, I started laughing so hard that the guy on the other bench gave me a nasty look.

"Okay, okay, ready for this one? See the man over there, with the glasses reading that book?" She nodded. "Well, he's not actually reading that book and the glasses are fake. He's using them to make it look like he isn't checking out every woman when they walk by. And when he sees something he likes, he goes after them with awful pickup lines like the heaven one or the Tennessee one. The woman akways turn him down though." Emma was laughing pretty loudly. Actually, so loudly, that guy on the bench left.

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