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Okay I know how the alphabet works (I think) but I wanted to publish S first as S is my favourite letter so here goes . . .

Sajanjanaba and Saranaran - ME!!! But only to my friends (One is for secondary sch friends, the other for primary sch friends )

School Slushie - A block of crushed ice with a drop of squash. Tastes like - Water. Suposed Flavour - Orange. NOT to be disposed of in a recycling bin . . .

Supocide Pesticides - Sup, y buzz kills and y kill joys ( Get it? Sup-ocide, killing the meaning of the phrase sup)

School - Place to socialise, make friends, hit ur self on the head with a rounders bat, NOT learn and get told off by teachers, forced to go to at ungodly hours by the law and my mum.

Sewage - My fellow buff crew buddy aka chewage, coz no offence but SOMETIMES she looks like someone chewed her and spat her out, like when she's around big p, WE FAIL FRENCH TOGETHER!!!

Salamander - A human like fish that I asked for when prank calling a chinese restaurant, that they acc served . . . see above (Link may not work)

Showbie Chord - What I accidentally said for the showbie classroom code, coz i was shouting for a teacher who couldn't talk, said in a sing songy manner, only to be used in english classes

Sit down - Pronounced sh-it - dow-n, typically said to yr sevens and two seconds after they have sat down, they understand the joke and start smiling like a two yr old with a dodgy digestive system

Serpent - Awesome snake - like dragon thing that is used at all my favourite places - INDO - CHINESE BUFFETS AND KARATE PLACES

Surfing - The act of clinging on to a surf board for dear life in knee high water, with an adult within a foot's distance . . . I CAN SURF!!!

Sonic - Magical electric buzzy thing that can do anything and everything, usually contained within a sonic screwdriver, and kept within the possession of the doctor, also the nick name of Cdt Lonsdale, after she dyed her hair blue/purple

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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