Dying? (Erisol Part 1)

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'wwell, todays the day, im gonna be gone forevver!

not like anyone wwill notice, im just 'a peice of shit' as kar says.

my wwrists are all purple noww. beautiful.

it doesnt hurt anymore though. thats okay.

wwell, goodbye, 'friends'... goodbye Sol n Fef.

i saww you and kar the other day, kissin, Sol...

wwell, there goes my chance i nevver had wwith sol.


-Eridan Ampora.'

ERIDANS POV: (not actual PoV's, just what character its focusing on.)

Eridan smiled as he closed the book. some of the words were smudged,

from his tears, but thats okay. he sighed as he set the diary in

a pocket on the inside of his cape. he got up and pulled his

black sleeves down, covering the broken heart that was carved into his skin.

he kept the smile on his face as he ran out his door, slamming it behind him.

he kept the smile on his face when he was stopped by karkat.

he tried to keep the smile on his face when karkat slapped him.

he couldnt keep his tears in as he ran past karkat though.

he finally reached the beach, in time for the sunset.

"ha, wwhat a nice last vvieww..." he said thoughtfully.

he sighed contently and pulled his scarf off, letting his fins wiggle happily

for the air that consumed them. he closed his eyes and smiled, looking

up at the sunset. he decided to hold off a bit longer on his plan.

he took his shoes and socks off and wiggled his feet in the soft sand.

he started running as he took of his cape letting it blow away in the wind,forgetting about the notebook,

laughing at how happy his last- and first moment is.

he slowed down a bit and sat on a rock near a little rockpool. he looked it it and saw

his reflection, sighing. Eridan got back up and walked over to the calm, lapping water,

letting it cover his feet. he sat himself on the ground in front of the water,

only enough so the waves can reach his feet. he pulled his knees to his chest,

thinking. just thinking. he decided to get a bit deeper in the water, so he wrapped

his scarf around his neck because his gills were sensetive, for unknown reasons.

he started to run to one of the rocks that was towering over the water slightly.

he climbed up it, almost slipping with exitement. its been a long

time since he had swum in the sea. he reached the top, looking around him.

he could see his hive from here, and... Karkats. which he insisted was

was right next to sollux's hive. he turned back around and looked at the sunset, it was almost night now.

he turned around once more to look down and see karkat pulling sollux up. he backed away slowly

and and stopped at the edge. they reached the top, well, and exited karkat did first.

then a panting sollux. eridan cleared his throat and the both looked up at him,

karkats smile fading into a horrible frown, solluxes panting face, shutting up.

"uh... hi?" Eridan started. karkat came up to him as sollux was regaining his breath.


eridan looked confused, for he had been here quite a while now.

when he refused to budge, his fins flattened against his head and his pupils became slits

and he hissed when karkat came up to him- and shoved him, with a smile on his face.

Eridan gasped and reached up as he fell down, but realizing he was gonna die, he smiled.

karkats smile faltered when eridan smiled, confusing him.

eridan was about 20 feet from the water.

everything was turning black for him as a loud splash emitted from below sollux and karkat.

Eridan took the chance and ripped his scarf of, letting it float to the top.

he laughed as he covered his neck gills with his hands. he could feel himselff slipping away

from the lack off air as his eyes started to close...



anyway, i have ideas for dis sttory

*evil smile* no, no deatths.




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