Chapter 1

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Deluna's POV
I wake up to the sound of rain pouring on the tin roof of the dress shop that I work in. I sit up, brushing a few strands of dark brown hair out of my face.the smell of bacon and eggs from downstairs and know that my boss is up, I look at my clock, 11:23, crap, I'm supposed to open the shop at noon! I quickly get myself dressed and grab a scone from the bread basket in the kitchen, I unlock the doors and five or so people come inside ,"welcome to fosters dresses!" I call out politely" oohhhh ciiieeelll!!!" I hear a high pitched voice scream, " this one is so cute!!" I then see Elizabeth midford and none other than ciel phantomhive come to the back desk where I make the dresses. " excuse me," ciel begins," my girlfriend here is looking for a formal pink dress, do you have any?" I nod and run to the back room, and grab a pink dress with a bow tied in the middle, when I bring it out, Elizabeth jumps up and down in amazement," yes! Yes! I'll take it!!" She throws a pouch of gold coins down on the counter and grabs the dress," keep the change!" she yells as they leave.'what a nice couple.' I think as the door I'm pulling my black gloves up ciel rushes in, " you live here too right? " he asks, I nod and tell him that I'm renting this place out, he then tells me to come live with him, strange. But I nod and he tells me that the carriage will be here in an hour, I walk up to my room and pack my things,what have I done...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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