Chapter 2

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Jade stood there petrified of what just happen.A complete utter stranger gave her his number."wow" she sighed tucking the paper cautiously into her apron pocket.

She walked to the kitchen where the smell of bread and hot tea inflated her nostrils.She enjoyed the smell of bread deeply."Hey Ms.Jade please take this to table 2" instructed Mrs.Gordon.

"Ok" I smile.She then grips onto the plates and makes her way across the busy costumers chewing down there breads with coffee.When she arrived at the table she saw the stranger.

"Hey babe" he smirked.

Jade knew that talking to strangers wasn't good but she was at work and has to be nice to all consumers.
She sets the food down and quickly eliminates herself from the area.

Jade felt this feeling she has never felt before.She had sweaty palms and he knees were shaking."What's happening to me ?" She asks.

She felt something deep inside herself something she couldn't describe.

Nobody Can Drag Me Down //Louade//Where stories live. Discover now