Chapter 1

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You woke in the middle of the night, you had a horrible nightmare. Placing your grubby legs upon your bed, small (Blood Color) tears xscape from your big (E/C) eyes. Looking about the dark room, your toys looking like monsters. Seeing scary shadows just made more tears fall, you managed climbed out of your bed. You then left your room, you are now in a dark hallway. You didn't bother making a sound, therefore you were too scared to even say a word. Crawling down the hallway, you looked back and forth. Trying to find a certain room, you didn't notice that someone was behind you. The troll pick you up, causing you to squeak in surprise. You will go to your tiny legs, the yellow blooded troll placed you in the palm of his hand. You turned to face him, it was your uncle, Mituna. He patted your head,

"What are you doing out of bed?" He turned around, with you and hand. You watched as you both started to head back towards your room, jumping out of Mituna's hand. He looks towards you in surprise as you rushed back down the hall. Mituna following behind you, you refused to stop. You were soon out of his line of sight, slowing down your pace to a stop. You then looked around, you spotted your father's room. The door was cracked open a bit, looking inside. It was dark, the only light was from your dad's laptop. Walking into the dark room, you saw your father with a pair of headphones on. He was focused on the screen, you advance towards his bed. He didn't seem to notice your presence, his legs dangled from the side of the edge. You now sat by his foot, standing on your hind legs. You began to climb up his pants leg, Sollux felt something climbing up his leg. As he was about to look down that's when Slenderman popped up on his screen. Sollux screamed and threw his headset, by that time you were sitting on his lap. Your father groaned as he rubbed his temple, he peered down to see your (E/C) eyes staring back up at him. Removing his hands from his head, he sighed.

"What are you doing here?" you let out a little sqree, then looked over towards the door. Sollux looks up to see Mituna breathing heavily, you went behind Sollux.

"I heard a thcream, and I lotht ________." Sollux find his bi-colored eyes and then sighs once more,

"_______, ith with me, pluth thlenderman culled me."

"Kay." Mituna left, you came out of hiding. A small smile on your lips, Sollux laid a hand on top of your head, petting your soft hair. You purred, nuzzling your head into his hand. He removed his hand, setting it next to him. He kicked off his shoes, Sollux sad his laptop on a nearby stand. You move to the side of his bed, you watch as your father layed down. Crawling over to his side, you curled your (Blood Color) body into a ball. Your (E/C) eyes closing, you soon drifted off to sleep. Small cute snores escaped you, Sollux turned on his side, facing you. He pulled the covers over his and your small body, resting a hand over your tiny form. He pulled you close to his chest, joining you in dreamland.

Father Sollux X Grub (M/F) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now