Chapter 1

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Ok so before I start I just wanna say, this book will be MUCH better than Surviving The End, as I had some facts wrong and it was my first book. I have improved in writing since then. (I hope so x3) Hope you enjoy!

I struggled to lift a heavy box into our new house. Max had bought a small house for us and my dad had approved that I could stay there, so today we were moving in. I finally gathered the strength and carried it into the kitchen. I took out a pair of scissors and snipped the packaging tape, opened the flaps. Shiny new dishes from Crafty Decor were arranged perfectly in the small box. I unloaded them carfully, putting them into the cabinet.
"Hey, El." Max casually said, walking in with pillows.
I replied back with a , "Hey."
With that he walked into his room, leaving me to finish putting away dishes. I slipped the last plate away and took the box into the garage with the others. The garage door was open, so I walked out into the summer air. The house was located far into the woods so no one would find us. Well, unless we told them where the house was. The sun rested in the middle of the sky, threatening to drop any moment.
I jumped onto my bed finally, after a hard day of moving furnishings, kitchen tools and appliances, and everything else in the house. I hopped onto my conputer. I had zero bars and remembered we hadn't set up the router yet. I closed the lap top and plugged it into an outlet to charge. I looked around my new room. It had all the same furniture and decorations I had when I first found out I was a hybrid.
Tommorow, shopping, I thought gladly.
I reached over to turn off my lamp, then climbed into the soft comforter without even changing. I slowly drifted off into sleep in my new home.

Is this too much for you guys? Btw she is now 16. Ikr, 16 and moving out?! But this is a book. A fiction book. A minecraft fiction book. Dont judge me.

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