Epilogue- A New Beginning

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A/N- Song to listen to is (you guessed it... Probably) Unwell by Matchbox Twenty. :)


"Are you sure you're ready for this, Matthias?"

The Dane buried his head in his hands, elbows resting firmly on the wooden table, and sighed. "It's been two years now. I think I'm ready to take on the world. I can't stay cooped up in here forever avoiding an empty threat, Lukas."

"I know," Lukas murmured, "But what if something happens? What if you have a memory lapse? You'll be living on your own in a big city with no one else around." His expression darkened. "And what if your family doesn't want you back? They gave us permission to kill you! Why do you think they would welcome you with open arms?"

"Luka, it's time you stop using your head and start using your heart! This isn't a game of 'What If'. If that were the case, I would never leave because you'd find some reason why the outside world is so dangerous!"

The Norwegian stood up from his chair and scowled at the ground. "Matthias... You've recovered so well. You have almost become a normal person again, and that's great and all, but we really don't know how well schizophrenia patients recover. What you were able to do is very rare! What if something triggers it again, and you don't contact anyone? I understand moving to another apartment, but to another country on your own?"

"Look, I'll call you every day! I'll make a note to call you if something goes wrong! I'll video chat, text, email, and even write you letters if you want!" Matthias ran a hand through his spiky hair and gave the younger man a sheepish grin. "I know you're going to miss me, but I'm ready to explore the world!"

"The world is a dangerous place."

Matthias laughed, "Lighten up, Squall Leonhart!"

The Norwegian's eyes opened wide. "Hey! Who said you could play my Final Fantasy games?"

"No one said I couldn't!"

"Tch!" grunted Lukas, "The box was labeled 'DO NOT TOUCH!'"

The Dane giggled, "No, silly! I played them on your computer!"

Lukas lost it. "MY COMPUTER? W-WHICH SAVE FILE DID YOU USE?! WHICH ONES DID YOU PLAY? ...what else did you find on my computer..."

"Relax, Lukas! I played them all, but I used your unused save files. As for your computer, there was nothing of much interest, really."

Lukas sighed deeply and wiped invisible sweat off of his forehead.

Matthias grinned evilly, "But there WAS this one file marked 'PRIVATE'. You know, if you're going to name something as such, it screams 'Please look!'"

"Uh, I can explain!"

"At first I was a little surprised that someone like YOU would have so many pictures like that on your computer," Matthias admitted.

Lukas's face was flushed, "I just... It's normal!"

The Dane burst out in laughter, "It's not normal to have 8,564 pictures of Ferraris on your computer! Is this some secret car fetish?!"

"I'm saving up to buy one, to be fair."

"Forget crazy cat person, you're a crazy CAR person!"

Lukas rolled his eyes, then looked around to make sure no one was watching and enveloped Matthias in a bone-crushing hug. "For the record, your jokes are terrible," he mumbled into the Dane's shirt.

"Woah there! I knew you put on some muscle, but you never told me you were THIS strong!" He eased into the hug and patted the Norwegian's back. "I should be the one worrying about you, Lukas," he mused.

"Gah," Lukas spat, freeing the Dane from his vice grip, "Pretend you never saw that."

"You're gonna miss me! You're gonna miss me!" the taller man squealed.

Lukas sighed and shook his head. "You're right. I just- I am going to miss you terribly."

Matthias's clear blue eyes met Lukas's cosmic sapphire ones, and for a moment, it was clear that neither one of them could have been the same without the other. Lukas gave Matthias his life back, and Matthias thawed Lukas' frozen heart.

"Thank you, Lukas," whispered Matthias softly. "I," he choked, tears staining his face, "I want to thank you for everything. You saved me. I will never forget you. Just," the Dane smiled sadly, "Don't forget about me, either. Call me every day and tell me about everything that happens, you hear?"

Lukas nodded, the same bittersweet smile etched on his face. "I'll be alright. Besides, you can sleep in peace now that you won't have to hear my alarm at 5 AM every morning."

"It wasn't that bad," Matthias chuckled before embracing Lukas tightly. "I'll miss you so much."

Lukas' neck was wet with tears as he patted the golden hair on his shoulder. "Yeah, yeah. Make sure to take the touchy-feely stuff with you once you leave. Now don't you have a flight to catch?"

"Yeah," nodded Matthias, "Well... I'll see you f-for Christmas. I'll put on my brave face, like you taught me," he added.

"There you go. Have a nice trip. I'll call you tomorrow night."

Matthias nodded, ashamed to cry anymore in front of the ever-stoic Lukas. Any more words would set off the flow of tears, and he knew there would be no stopping it. Wordlessly, he picked up his suitcases waiting by the door and left, closing the door quietly behind him. Once outside, he slumped against the door, whispering quietly to himself, "I'll miss you."

Little did he know that on the other side of the door, Lukas was doing the same.

-the end-

How I Used to Be (DenNor)- Book 1 of the Unwell SeriesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant