Exam X Trick X Lie

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Narrators POV

so the four went to the cedar tree (I think it is called that sorry I don't know) so there are two ways a bus and by walking leorio suggested to the bus it the three want to walk

Kurapika's POV

this guy leorio even though we're friends he's still lazy. So we were walking then we encountered a guy he said to us "hey if you guys are going to the hunter exam let's go together" gon replied with a smile "sure". But then I saw Suzuki staring at the guy like he's suspicious. Then Suzuki went closer to me and whispered "don't you think gon is a little bit too reckless I mean that guy looked too suspicious ". So I replied "your right he is ". Then Suzuki went closer to the guy and said. "Mr why do you wanna go with us?? " he answered Suzuki "simple so I can sta- I mean get new friends" so Suzuki backed away

Suzuki's POV

so I asked the guy then he answered "simple so I can sta- I mean get new friends" then I backed away and tough to myself "A-ha I knew it he's up to something but what" so we arrived at a village and the villagers kept repeating the word doki doki. Then the leader said I have one question and there's no right answer if you answer wrong all of you will fail your only given five seconds. But then the guy who clinged to us said "sorry I have no intention of making friends with you guys so I'll answer my question I just used you guys to get here alive" then I tough to myself "I knew it" then the old woman asked the question "if your mother and your girlfriend got kidnapped and your given a choice to save them but you can only save one who will you choose"the guy answered "I'll save my mom cause I can never find another Mom but I can find a new girlfriend" the woman said "you may pass"but then I heard a scream after the guy passed through its seems like gon and kurapika heard but leorio was too busy pissed off he didn't hear it so the woman said to us "if your son and daughter got kidnapped you may only choose one to save who will you choose " when leorio was about to answer I made him sleep for five seconds"then the woman said you passed " then leorio woke up and said where are we I replied "were at the next level of exam" then I explained to him how we passed

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