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"Yeah it's not that long. Then we get off and get on the ferry"

"Which takes how long?"

"10 hours"

"So we're sleeping on the ferry?"


"I won't be able to stay awake for this long"

"It'll be fine. I'll make sure you don't fall asleep, how about that?"

"Thanks" I said, smiling down at my converse.

"So what phone you got?"

"I have got a....an iPhone" he says pulling it out and showing it to you.

"You have any games on there, or...?"

"Nah, you know - I have a lot of music on here"

"Oh" you say intrigued.

"May I have a look?"

"Sure" he says.

"Did you bring yours?"

"Oh yeah" you say taking your phone out of your pocket and handing it to him.

You scrolled through his music which consisted of mainly rock, punk, metal and some hardcore.

"I like your music" I smile.

"I like yours"

We talked for about an hour until the bus parked on the ferry. The ferry ride was long, but enjoyable. There were shops and games and a surprising amount of cafeterias. I ended up falling asleep on Mr. Carters' shoulder.

"Hey, Libby, wake up sweetheart, we're moving" I heard his spotting voice say quietly

"Huh?" I said, my eyes fluttering open.


"You fell asleep"

"I-I did?"

"On my shoulder actually?"

"R-really?" I said, blushing. I looked around and noticed it was dark.

"Come on now" he chuckles taking my hand and helping me up, and lead me to the long line of students walking a direction.

"How far away is the bus?" I yawned

"Not far. It's just parked up here"

We got back on the bus and upon logging onto Facebook, I discovered that he had allowed everyone to take pictures of me falling asleep on his shoulder. I found one of me coiled around him, his arm around me as he smiled down at me.

"Mr. Carter!" You said.


You showed him the pictures that everyone had tagged you in.

"Oh, yeah" he laughed

"Why did you let people do this?" You asked, blushing furiously.

"Why not? It was adorable"

"I don't want this online!"

"Don't worry" he chuckles. "It's not a big deal"

I sighed and put my phone back into my pocket.

As The Stars Bleed PurpleWhere stories live. Discover now