:: One ::

13 2 0

I'm ready Cry.



My body jolted in the air as I took a deep breath, coughing at the sudden pain.

'What the fuck..'

My body hurt, the pain was too much, I need pain killers.

'Shit, where the hell did this headache come from?'

I lifted myself, and paced to the bathroom.

'Cabinets, cabinets, cab- ah.'

I reached my hand to pull the door open, and pulled out some painkillers.
Nothing in particular, really.

I popped the pills in my mouth and took a swash of the sink water to wash it down.

'Fuck.. That's some nasty stuff'

My hand reached for the door, but I retracted my hand, in remembrance of a certain dream.

I'm ready Cry.

My eyes opened at such a fast rate, my vision was blurry.


I'm ready, Cry.

'Who the hell are you? Why do you know my name?'



I'm ready.

Suddenly a body appeared in front of me, it was a man, tall, young, stressed. Was he the one talking to me? Was he the one stressing the fuck out of me?

Cry, I'm ready for you, my destiny is ready for you.

'Wha-I'm so confused...who are you!?'

Saturday, 2:39, Tampa, Florida, StarBucks. Be there. I will be there.

As soon as he left me, I became aware again, but didn't feel myself standing. Instead, laying in a bed, a hospital bed to be exact.

I'm not going to say something like 'Where am I?!" Because I know exactly where the fuck I am, I'm in the hospital, in a hospital bed. Of course.

But how did I get here? How am I in some bed when I clearly was in my bathroom, around 2 minutes ago? Why am I in the hospital though? Did something happe-

The doctor walked in, interrupting my thoughts. "Mr.Terry, I see you're awake. Good good, we had thought you were in a short coma. I'll tell the others." He sat by me, and started writing something down. "Excuse myse-"

"Why the hell am I in a hospital room, doc?" I grabbed his arm before he could exit the room.

"You don't know?" He looked puzzled, but soon cleared his confusion. "Ah yes, you must have amnesia of some sort."

Amnesia? Did I damage my brain? "Um.."

"A nice lady, presumably your neighbor, reported that you had 'fallen' in your bathroom, and that you might have passed out by a mild over-dosage, as there were painkillers located on your sink. We are unsure of why you were on the ground yet. Maybe you remember your actions before passing out?"

Oh, the painkillers, I'm sure I took a reasonable amount though. What did I pass out for?
"Thank you, Doc. I'll try remembering in a bit, I'm a little tired."

"Of course Mr.Terry, rest as long as you wish." He smiled, and left me. I turned to see the TV, which played some housewives show. New Jersey maybe? Oh well, I'm not known for housewives show remembering. If that made sense.

The table beside me had an orange on it, and the TV remote. These hospitals make me so uncomfortable with their plain design, and little entertainment. If only I had my computer. Maybe a Starbucks latte.

That's when I remembered.

I'm ready Cry.

No no no, not again. I quickly opened my eyes, to see my neighbor sitting by me, holding my hand.

"Cry! You're alright! Thank goodness, I was worried sick for you. Are you okay? You were shivering and whimpering, did you have a bad dream?"

"I'm fine, Marzia. Thank you for coming to see me though. Sorry to worry you."

She started crying, "As soon as I saw you lying on your bathroom floor I just called the hospital right away, I'm so glad you're okay."

"Don't cry! I'm okay Marzia really. I don't think I was hurt too bad. Just..a really bad headache made me fall, that's all. Are you okay?"

She blushed, "Of course! I'm just fine now that you are, Cry." She smiled, "Please, come to my house tonight, I'll make your favorite meatloaf!"

I thought about it. Maybe I will? Well, if I get out of this hospital tonight, I should though, I'm not hurt bad enough to stay overnight.

I nodded, "Of course. Thanks for the affection, friend."

[end of chapter one]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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