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Valora quickly hopped up the stone staircase, her frilly, turquoise frock swayed on her hips. I desperately tried to keep up, trotting crazily behind her. My arms flailing around wildly, in an attempt to stay upright.

Cato smirked at my struggles, himself swaggering easily in his regular black shoes.

"You look like a crippled banshee." He stated simply.

Rude, however I silently agreed. I had rolled up my dress hastily, to keep it from catching on various things and sending me flying. I had removed most of my jewellery and thrown my hair into the messiest ponytail ever. But that didn't mean he could say it out loud.

"Thanks for the compliment darling, I do try," I sneered, flipping my hair and fluttering my eyelashes sarcastically.

He laughed. Almost at the top of the endless staircase, I hear a 'Crunch!" beneath my feet. I suddenly my balance and start to topple backwards. Valora and Cato's heads snap in my direction, simultaneously gasping at my current state. I scream.

With lightning-quick reflexes, Cato leans over and snatches my wrist, pulling me to safety. I sigh, clutching Cato's arm and burying my face in his shirt, not wanting to let go, just in case gravity wants another visit.

He smiles down at me,

"Woah! What happened there?"

I turn around and sit down on one of the cold stone steps. I bring my knee up to my chin and scan my leg for signs of abnormality.

On my right shoe, the plastic is cracked around the ankle. Shards spike out dangerously, underneath the sole. Dried glue strings limply off it.

"I lost a heel." I huffed.

Cato crouches down. He examines it himself.

"Not very good quality, is it?"

I shook my head.

"I should have just worn my boots. You wouldn't of been able to see them underneath this thing."

I ruffle my dress in between my fingers. I ask him,

"What am I gonna do now?"

"Well, either I carry you, or you walk bare feet."

I study my options. I wouldn't mind being carried, but no. That will just make me seem weak. So without replying, I yank off the shoes and throw them off the stairwell. A bit too vicious.

A surprised shriek arouses below us. Cato looks at me. I shrug my shoulders and mutter emotionlessly,

"Oops? I guess."

Cato just chuckles and shakes his head in disbelief.

"What high maintenance you are, Clovey."

"Thank you, I do aim to please!"

We continue to tramp up the last flight of stairs.

When we finally reach the top, both of us are panting. We wander along the landing. A shrill ring of a bell sounds to our right. A metal door mechanically opens and two tall figures waltz out. Brutus and Enobaria smile at the sight of Cato helping me,

"How was the trip?" Brutus teases.

My jaw drops open and I stare maliciously at Valora. There was an elevator working?

"Valora!" Cato and I yell together. I alone continue to rant,

"How dare you? You told me the elevators weren't running! I swear if I had my knives..."

I curse foul words. I knot my dress up, just below my knees and storm towards Valora. The cheesy smile disappears off her face, as I grab her corset, ripping the silky material. A small whimper escapes her lips as I launch myself at her.

Cato & Clove - Buried Beneath The WeaponsWhere stories live. Discover now