Chapter 3

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Zayn's POV

Its almost 9:30 p.m. Its still raining quote heavily . We drive through the smooth empty road.  Forests on both sides making the road darker. I am on the backseat. Niall in front and Harry is driving.He's driving quite fast.

" Slow down Haz! " I commanded in a stern tone .

"But I can't wait any longer." He says impatiently tapping his fingers on the cars board.

" The roads are not well and its raining. " I pointed.

"But-" He got cut off by me.

"You don't want to end up dead, do you?" I spat.

"Guys stop fighting! You look like old couples." Niall says rolling his eyes.

Harry curses under his breath as he pulls the brakes hard .

Niall said the house is near an old factory. It caught fire once. So it is closed now. Nobody lives there except the Ross family.

I am confused about how Niall knows this much. But I can't even ask him cause Harry might get upset because he trusts Niall a lot. I have to talk to Harry about that later.

We are almost near our destination. I can even see the old factory from here . It almost looks like a zombie attacked area. We drove into the factory garage and parked the car there. Can't take the risk of them suspecting.

"So, whats the plan?" I asked facing Niall.

"First we are going to ring the bell and if he answers, we will ask him about the cursed power and tell him to hand it to us. But if he refuses, I'm going to take him to my place and lock him in the garage until he spills the location of it. And you both are going to search the whole house and I hope you will find it cause it's hidden right here in this house. Alright?" He said raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah. perfect." Harry and I nod in unison.

"Okay so let's start the mission boys." Niall claps his hands together  weirdly.

I wiggle my eyebrows and try to hold a laugh.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Its.. you look really exited." I said laughing a little.

"Yeah whatever. " Niall muttered.

I put my hands up in surrender .

Harry's POV

We walk towards the house being careful so we don't make any noise . The weather is quite chilly . I pull my jacket closer covering my bare hands .

As we reach the porch of the house Zayn seemed quite nervous . I give him a nudge signalling to chill . Niall knocked the door as we impatiently wait .

"It's alright . We will get it ." Niall said covering the tension in the atmosphere.

He knocks again . After a few minutes the door swings open revealing a old man probably aging about 45 or 50 . He raised an eyebrow seeing the unfamiliar faces infront of his door at this hour .

" Um.. i'm Harry ..." I start to say when Niall looks at me with a annoyed look.

"Look here sir we won't hurt you if you co-operate with us." Niall says.

" Who are you? What do you want?'' the old man asks being scared of Niall.

" We are here for the cursed power . " Zayn said calmly .

The old man attempted to shut the door but i block it by my foot.  We shoved him in and got inside.

'' Listen , Sir. We just need the cursed power. Give it to us and we won't hurt you." I say Tring to sound fierce .

" I don't have it. Leave me alone.'' He said .

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT!'' Niall said angrily raising his voice causing the man to flinch away from us.

"I said i don't have it."

''Enough of being nice .Guess we have to do it.'' Niall said getting impatient .

''D-Do what?'' the old man stuttered.

''Something you probably won't like..'' Zayn said.

'' Niall if we- " I was cut off by the sound of footsteps in the frontyard.

'' Daddy I'm home." the person in the frontyard said in excited voice .

"No Mikaela. Run, run. Go away!'' the old man screams as i get hold of him .

The girl named Mikaela starts running towards the factory .

''Niall, Zayn go get her .'' I order as they instantly go after her.

A moment later they arrive in the house. The girl kicking to be free in Zayn's shoulder .

''No, no. Please let her go. You can take me. But.. please let her go.'' the man says in between sobs.

''Said you won't like this." Niall said with a smirk .

"Niall you take him. Me and Zayn will take the girl.'' I said.

''okay." Niall said pulling the man by his arm harshly.

"No ! Let me go . Daddy wha-" Mikaela starts to panic when Zayn covers her mouth .

"Shhhh love .Don't be like this or we'll have to get with the hard way with you too." I say calmly . The muffling sound of her protests stops as fear takes over her.

Me and Zayn took Mikaela over the car as Niall pushed the old man forward harshly.

"Be careful dude. You don't want to kill him." Zayn said.

"Make sure he spills Nialler.'' I say making my way towards the car with Zayn , and Mikaela over Zayn's shoulder .

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