♡ Love Maybe( A Mindless Behavior Fanfic) (REVISING)

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Growing up, I've always had the biggest crush on Mindless Behavior, one of the hottest male R&B groups to exist. For those of you who do not know me, my name is Sierra Towson and I'm 20 years old. I have hazel eyes, red hair, and there's no doubt in my mind that I'm one of the best to ever do it. I have dimples but they aren't as deep as my best friend Aprie'la. Most of my friends say my figure is amazing and I think they only say that because I have a nice butt.

Anyways, meeting Mindless Behavior has always been a dream of mine. Unlike my step-sister, Aprie'la who 21, I'm a huge Roc Royal fan. Our parents aren't a huge fan of our crushes on the guys because they always say we will never meet them. But living in Los Angelos, I believe anything is possible, especially with social media being as prevalent as it is today.

I was having a rough day and decided to isolate myself from most of my family members and friends so when I heard a knock on my door, I was a little irritated.

"Look Si, if we enter this competition, there's a possible chance we could win!" My step-sister burst into my room filled with excitement before I could even tell her it was okay for her to enter.

"Aprie'la, why would Mindless Behavior choose us out of all people to spend an entire weekend with them for Valentine's Day?" At this point, I was even more frustrated because none of what she said was making sense.

"I'm not saying we will win the competition but I do think it's worth a try. I mean what do we really have to lose? You're single and I'm single so what's the issue here?"

"Okay... well if you insist. What do we have to do exactly?" I asked with a chuckle because one thing about my sister is that she will find a way to make you say yes. I've always found it super hard to say no to her.

"Here it just says we have to send in a short video explaining why we deserve this opportunity and use our creativity to make it unique. With my singing and dancing skills equipped with your videography skills, I was thinking that we could literally cover My Girl and create a short music video but instead change the words to speak from a woman's perspective? I know that's a lot sis but if we're going to do it, we have to do it today."

I jumped up almost immediately. "Today? Pree are you crazy or? Please tell me we aren't about to enter a competition when the deadline is today."

"Yeah, I know but this opportunity is just too good of an opportunity to miss. Let's get to work." She giggled as she handed me my camera. 

For the next few hours, we worked tirelessly to finish the short video before the deadline. We had been working so hard that we failed to realize that we hadn't even spoken to our parents today. 

Unlike some families, my family was always close. After my mother married Aprie'la's father we created a few traditions that I wasn't used to when I was younger. Every year, our family travels out of the country. My step-father, Johnathan, says that the essential purpose of us traveling is to "enhance our abilities to understand different cultures".  To be honest, my mother marrying Aprie'las father was probably one of the best things because not only did I gain a life-long sister at age 10 but I also a father figure. 

"Girls, what are you all up to? I haven't spoken to either of you all day" My mom peeped in the room as she walked out of her office.

"Hey ma, we are actually entering this Mindless Behavior competition for Valentine's Day. We were actually just wrapping up as we speak." Aprie'la said as she smiled at my mom. It was nice to see how close they were and I was glad that Aprie'la could have a mother figure in her life. After her mom passed after giving birth to her, she never knew what it felt like to have a mom until her father married my mother. Ugh, it sucks how horrible our healthcare system is. 

Another black woman died because of a system that failed her. 

My mother giggled. "You know your father will think this is all a joke but I support you girls. Let me know how it goes. I'm going to go to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients for dinner tonight, you all need anything?"

We both shook our heads in unison as our mother walked out of the room. I wouldn't be surprised if dad was somewhere at a networking event for his law firm right now. Anyways, on to the submission of this video. 

My sister and I looked at each other nervously as we watched the video once more before submitting it. We had to win but the possibility of that actually happening was slim to none and we knew that. It was also a known fact that my sister just so happened to be one of the best singers in our city. I urged her to take singing seriously but she's always so hesitant. 

"It's perfect Sierra. Let's just pray they think so too." She bit her lip and submitted the video. 

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