Chapter 24: I don't care

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As I stood on the bench I started to think for myself. From everything that I've been through I have always thought about what people might say about me, but now that I see that not everyone will accept me and everyone will always talk what they think. So I can't blame them nor will I run away from them.

I turned and faced Quinton and have him a sudden hug. His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me into him as well.

'Let them think what they want. I can't always run from my past.' I said smiling a bit to him.

'Is it true. What the newspaper said about you?' Quinton asked as he pointed behind him to the diner.

'Yep. Got all the scars to prove it. Anyhow I'm still hungry let's go inside and eat?'

'You sure?'

'I'm positive. They could talk all they want.'

Quinton then stood up abruptly and hooked his arm I took it as I looped my arm with his and we both laughed at our silliness.

No matter what happens I'll win the battle, I will be the Queen.

As we walked inside the diner everyone's head turned to me.

'I guess I'm a very famous person now that they can only gawk at me without going back to their own lives.' I said very loudly as everyone heard. Everyone turned their heads and ate and talked to their own fmailt and friends.


Quinton and I both sat in the booth we were both in and ordered our food as the waitress took our orders.

The waitress went in the kitchen as the other waitressss stood behind the counter looking at the newspaper and pointing at me and then laughing.

I laughed myself as they were so focused on me rather than paying attention to their own lives.

The kind waitress came with our food and set the plates onto the table. She was nice, you could tell because once she left our table she was shooing away the gossiping girls. She showed that she didn't care for gossip and I appreciated that from a human being.

Once we finished with our delightful breakfast Quinton paid for our food. Quinton and I then sat in the car and I wondered why he haven't started the car yet as he sat there with his head laid back on his seat.

He sat straight and looked to me and took a deep breath.

"I know today has been hard for you also but I also want you to depend on me. Not as a student from your school, but as a friend perhaps a best friend." He said as he smiled and I could see all of his sincerity forming into those eyes of his. I waa lost but I nodded my head and gave him a quick hug.

I could feel the vibrations off his chest as he chuckled but wrapped his arms around me as well.

I took my arms away from him and he did the same. He then put his seatbelt on and started the car. Once he drove we talked throughout the car ride.

About our past, about our favorite things in the world, about the beauty of things we saw outside. It was all just so calm, so peaceful and it felt amazing to feel and to have this moment.

It was all that I craved, all that I needed, perhaps he was all I needed in my life. He was the new smile that was brought upon my face and I couldn't ask for a better best friend then him.

Once I was dropped off and said my goodbyes to Quinton I walked inside only to see my parents stand right in front of me with a smile upon their faces.

I laughed about how beautiful this all was. About how my whole life was and I couldn't be any more grateful.

"I see that Quinton and yourself will now be best friends" my mother said smiling like a mad woman.

'Yep he is my best friend.' I said tilting my head upwards and grinning up to them as I show all my teeth within that grin. The both chuckled about how happy I looked and I was finally truly happy.

'Are you sure you still want to go to that therapy class?' My dad asked as he held my mother in his arms.

'Dad I think its for the best. Alot has happened in my life and I know a snap of a finger won't make me feel better forget. It'll take time, lots of it' i said shrugging my shoudlers upwards but my dad smiled softly and nodded.

It was for the best and this would really help me.

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