|| Finders Keeper || #1

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Okay your probably wondering how does this story start, honestly I haven't got a clue but I'll start from the beginning. I was walking down our school hallway and Jason and his group of fuckwits oops sorry *Fuckboy's were walking down the hall and I noticed Jason leaning towards Aydin and telling him something and of course Aydin screams it out aloud for everyone "Jason Fucked Melanie". Melanie is the schools most hottest girl, there are facebook pages dedicated to her and she has over 17k follows on instagram. No one could ever get with her mostly because of that ugly promise ring on her finger and the fact that her older brother used to always protect her at school, until he go suspended for breaking a record with how many sophomore's he can fit into one locker. Anyway going back to the subject Aydin and the boys started lifting Jason up in the air and that's when I saw my chance Jason's phone fell out of his pocket. As the passed down the hallway I raced to go pick it up thankful that no one saw me. I picked it up his IPhone 6 he has purposely painted black. I put it in my pocket and start to head home, and once I got home and raced up stairs to investigate. I sat up on my bed and pressed the home button, his lock screen is of some blonde at the beach in a blue bikini and now that I think of it I have the same bikini. I slide to unlock it and it's password protected I tried '1,2,3,4' which is common for idiots who can't remember thing then I tried down the middle '2,5,8,0' nope still didn't work. But then I started to think like Jason which was quiet disgusting and then it clicked and I tried '6,9,6,9' and Yes! It opened, with how successful I was I fist pumping into the air. I first looked at his photo albums and holy shit this boy had an album titled 'Nudes' and it had over 1000 photos in it. I then opened his messages and of course he was messaging Melanie, Aydin, and his Mom. I eventually got a phone call from it and it was Aydin I didn't pick it up, I just let it ring and eventually I had enough so I put it on airplane mode so it stopped all the messages and phone calls for a while.


Okay so the next day I walked in and I heard yelling and banging, I walked to my locker to see that Jason and Aydin had broken into everyone's locker even mine they pulled out everything, my books they destroyed everything and now I am fuming.
"What the FUCK have you done you disrespectful pricks" I screamed with my hands in the air.
As Jason looked at me with his face red of anger and Aydin slightly embarrassed .
"Fucking hell i am looking for my phone, got a problem" Jason said with his arms crossed
As i was shocked with what just came out of his mouth it just pissed me off even more, I put my arms down by my side and I walked up to him just inches away from his face.
"How dare you destroy my locker, you son of a bitch argh I hate how you treat people, do you ever care on how your actions may affect others" I said completely fuming at this point
His face relaxes and for a second I swear I saw a tiny bit of humanity show in his eyes.
"Alright fine, I am sorry about your locker okay, and I do care how my action may affect others" he paused coming closer and closer to me
"If i did care what my actions did I wouldn't have as many side hoe's would I?" he said smirking at me

"Argh you are such an arsehole" I yelled and turned to walk away as I felt a grip on my arm I swung around and slapped him as a reflex, and to see the sudden shock on his face and the bright red hand print on him, I instantly felt guilty, having no control over what I just did.
"Kinky girl aren't you" he said rubbing his face with a smirk and my guilt had vanished
"Aww don't you know it" I said sarcastically smiling and his smirk dropped into a jaw drop

As i walked to my locker and started to pick up the rubble that was the remains of my locker, for the rest of the day I went to my classes. On my walk home I've had my phone overloading with alert text from pathetic girls asking me to keep on the lookout for Jason stupid phone. I walk into my house and slam my door I kick off my shoes and throw my school bag on the ground, I then hear a knock at my front door argh who is it.
I stomp to the and swing it open, what the hell is Melanie doing at my house?

Hey Guys it Michaela here 
i really hope you like my first chapter 
the next chapter i'll post tomorrow so stay tuned.

Teenage-wannabe xx <3 

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