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Why the signs are still single:

ARIES: you're loud and scary and it makes people uncomfortable .

TAURUS: will you ever love someone as much as food? no.

GEMINI: People can't seem to take you seriously

CANCER: you are way too guarded and isolate yourself

LEO: you're looking for someone who will love you more than you love yourself which is hard to find .

VIRGO: You're shy as heck which sometimes gives off the wrong impression

LIBRA: you!!flirt!!!with!!!everyone!!!

SCORPIO: you intimidate the shit out of people

SAGGITARIUS: you're a player and people don't wanna get seriously involved .

CAPRICON: you never really and look crazy a lot

AQUARIUS: seem unapproachable

PISCES: you don't know how to compose yourself and giggle too much which scares people ..are you laughing at them?

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